- Peter argued against making a new job cut in the company. 彼特据理反对公司新一轮的裁员。
- The furloughs are part of a roughly 3, 000 job cut that Continental expects to make this upcoming fall. 这部分裁员是大陆航空公司即将到来的秋季裁员计划的一部分,预计裁员到约3000。
- Companies set fewer job cuts last month than in July. 跟7月相比,公司上个月裁员人数有所减少。
- I'll call a strike to protest against the job cuts in our company. 我要发起一场罢工来抗议公司的裁员。
- The company said it expected to achieve most of the job cuts through attrition. 公司预计将通过磨合来削减大部分工作。
- The employment secretary found himself in the firing line over recent job cuts. 劳工部长因近期的职位削减而备受责难。
- Nevertheless, Caterpillar looms large, and its job cuts have shaken the region. 然而,卡特彼勒遇到了麻烦,其裁员对该地区构成沉重打击。
- The nation's biggest computer manufacturer, once an engine of growth and an unrivaled success, said the job cuts and plant closings would cost about$6 billion before taxes, a sum that will be reflected in its bottom line by the end of this year. 我国最大的电脑造商,一度曾为带动[经济]成长的火车和无与伦比的成功企业,说裁员及工厂关闭将耗费60亿元——纳税前数字。此一数字将在年终结账的最后项目中显现。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. 如果我们大家都动手,一会儿就可以干完这件事。
- There was a feeling of gloom and depression in the office when the news of the job cuts was announced. 裁员消息宣布时办公室里一片忧郁和沮丧的气氛。
- Ford has announced14,000 salary job cuts and buyouts for all its hourly workers nation wide. 福特已宣布裁减1.;4万个薪金职位并买断性裁减全国范围内其所有小时工。
- Labor unions are being told there are no plans for major job cuts beyond the 13000 that Chrysler announced in February. 劳工组织已经被告知,在二月份勒克莱斯勒公司的宣告中没有计划说主要工作会裁员13000。
- Planned job cuts at air bus became an issue in the French presidential election. 计划下的空客裁员成为法国总统选举的一个重大事件。
- A car parts manufacturer employing 500 in the south Wales valleys announces 128 job cuts. 汽车零部件制造商雇用的500南威尔士峡谷宣布裁员128人。
- Ford has announced 14,000 salary job cuts and buyouts for all its hourly workers nation wide. 福特已宣布裁减1.;4万个薪金职位并买断性裁减全国范围内其所有小时工。
- He painted a grim picture - forecasting more job cuts, slower growth and the increasing risk of a recession. 他描绘可怕的情景:预料更多裁员,经济增长放缓及经济衰退的风险增大。
- Sheila cut her own throat by leaving her job before she's found another one. 希拉在没找到新的工作前就辞去她的工作,结果却害了自己。
- Trade unions resisting job cuts and Congressmen opposing route closures in their territory conspire to block change. 贸易联盟抵抗裁减职位和国会议员反对封锁他们区域的通路来密谋阻止变革。
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新来的职员工作专心致志。