- job classification systemn. 工作分类法
- Establishing a Civil Servant Job Classification System with Chinese Characteristics 建立中国特色的公务员职位分类制度
- Intermediation services : one for the classification system will change? 中介服务收费:能否变一刀切为分级制?
- M-time scheduling is used as a classification system that orders life. M- 时间的行程安排被当作一个分类系统使用以命令生活。
- In the world of books and paper on library shelves, we make use of a classification system to help us find things. 对于图书馆书架上的书和报纸,我们利用一种分类系统来帮助我们找到所需的资料。
- No The above statements describe the essential responsibilities performed by people in this job classification and additional responsibilities may be required. 以上说明描述了该职员应承担的基本职责,除此之外仍有可能担当其他工作。
- Results: The implementation of drug classification system had great effect on pharmacy in hospital of up county level. 结果:药品分类管理制度实施将对我国县级以上医院的药剂科产生重大影响。
- Objective: To discuss the influence of drug classification system on hospital pharmacy. 目的:阐述药品分类管理制度对医院药剂科的影响。
- NLGI Service Classification System A system of letter designations to define c1ass of automotive chassis and wheel bearing greases. NLGI用途分类体系用于定义机动车底盘和车轮轴承润滑脂分类的字母代号体系。
- Books Online uses five roles that map to a range of job classifications. 联机丛书使用五个角色来匹配一系列的作业分类。
- Category describes this learning object in relation to a particular classification system. 范畴描述该学习对象和特定分类系统的关系。
- So far,China has worked out more than 200 national and trade standards on work and personnel quotas. It has also promulgated other labor standards,such as job classification standards and job skill standards. 目前,中国已制定国家和行业劳动定额定员标准200多项,公布了职业分类标准和职业技能标准等其他劳动标准。
- This is a very good graduation project paper! Mainly is designs about the fruit intelligence classification system! 这是一个很好的毕业设计论文!主要是设计一个关于水果智能分类的系统!
- In 1992, the classification system was further refined into what is the current system. 1992年,泳滩等级制再次进行改革,演变成为今天的制度。
- So far, China has worked out more than 200 national and trade standards on work and personnel quotas. It has also promulgated other labor standards, such as job classification standards and job skill standards. 目前,中国已制定国家和行业劳动定额定员标准200多项,公布了职业分类标准和职业技能标准等其他劳动标准。
- Using the Torrance's health state's classification system as a standard,HRLQS has a good criterion validity. 以Torance健康状态分类系统(HCS)为标准,HRLQS具有较好的准则效度。
- DNA hybridization techniques have been widely used in aves,based on which a new avian classification system was born. DNA杂交技术曾在鸟类中有过大规模的应用,并由此诞生了一套新的鸟类分类系统。
- The SFI Group System is the most widely used classification system for the maritime and offshore industry worldwide. SFI分组是目前全世界航运业和海洋工程业使用最广泛的分类体系。
- Books Online uses a small number of roles that map to a range of job classifications. 联机丛书使用少量映射到作业分类范围的角色。
- Five Kingdoms classification A classification system that recognizes five kingdoms containing at least 96 phyla. 五界分类系统;指认为生物界分为五界,并至少含有96门的分类系统。