- It's a jigsaw puzzle of dinosaurs. 这是一个恐龙的拼图游戏。
- jig-saw puzzle of continents 大陆拼合
- Mark the line for the socket hole on the back panel and use the jig saw to cut along the marked line. 吊柜上部我们可以以挂件中点为标准,侧面以吊柜侧板作为标准来测量,并在背板上划好插座孔线,用穿梭机沿线切割。
- GC brand bimetal hacksaw prroducts, bimetal reciprocating saw blades, jig saw blades are made with vacuum heat treatment and surface strengthening treatment technology. 上海“奇熙(GC)”牌双金属手用锯条、曲线锯条、往复锯条采用真空热处理和表面强化处理方法,工艺独特,品质卓越,已被国内外用户认可。
- Assist in the promotion of continence. 协助促进节制。
- The difference accounts for the existence of continents and ocean basins. 这种差别解释了大陆和海洋盆地存在的原因。
- This is a great puzzle of the detective story, full of crisis. 这是一个非常棒的侦探益智故事,充满了危机。
- Other: learn to tell time, puzzle of famous paintings, vector drawing. 其他:学习看时间,著名画作的猜谜,矢量绘图。
- Both on the west coasts of continents with similar climates, and probably with rather similar natural resources. 都在各自大陆的西海岸,气候相似,自然资源也可能相似。
- It is not on the shores of continents or in the coastal islands, that the soul of the great Pacific is found. 巨大的太平洋令人陶醉之处不在大陆的海岸上,也不在沿海岸岛屿上。
- In the Northern Hemisphere, the western portions of continents are especially favored by the prevailing winds. 在北半球,大陆西部地区尤受多风之惠。
- This book advances the notion that polar wandering is primary and causes the displacement of continents. 这本书的超前观念两极漫游是主要的并且引起大陆漂移。
- I saw the bird at the very top of the tree. 就在那棵树顶上我看到那只鸟。
- The puzzle of Hume about the split between fact and value roots in the modern ideological dilemma. 休谟关于事实与价值分裂的问题缘于现代意识形态的内在困境。
- The questions arising round Zubu and Tatar may be called a puzzle of the last century. 阻卜与鞑靼之谜堪称一道世纪难题。
- Civilization will hold its assizes at the summit of Europe, and, later on, at the centre of continents, in a grand parliament of the intelligence. 文化在欧洲的高峰上举行会议,然后在各大陆的中心,举行一个智慧的大议会。
- I saw little or nothing of him after graduation. 毕业后我几乎没有看见过他。
- Scientists realized that plate tectonics might explain not only the drifting apart of continents but also the cause of earthquakes. 科学家发现,板块构造不仅能够解释大陆的漂移,而且能够解释地震的成因。
- Since MM theorem, the people have not stopped to explore the "puzzle of the capital structure". 自MM定理以来,人们始终没有停止过对“资本结构之谜”的探索。