- After a long delay, the company lifted the curtain on the building project. 经过长期拖延以后,这家公司开始进行这项建筑工程。
- As the agile manifesto states: "Build projects around motivated individuals. 正如灵活性宣言陈述的:“在被激励的个体周围建立项目。
- The building project is in full swing. 这项建筑工程正在全力进行中。
- Sufficient data have been collected for the building project. 为这项建筑工程已经收集了充分的资料。
- The relative paths of target output items from the built projects have their paths adjusted to be relative to the calling project. 生成项目中目标输出项的相对路径将调整为相对于调用项目的路径。
- The MSBuild tool is used in Microsoft Visual Studio to build projects from the command line. 在Microsoft Visual Studio中使用MSBuild工具可以从命令行中生成项目。
- But Fairview has postponed two other building projects. 但是,费尔文已经推迟两个其他建设项目。
- Is there a good supply of day labors for our building project? 我们的建房工程有足够的临时工可以招聘吗?
- To remove the built project files from the development computer, you can use the Clean command on the Build menu in Visual Studio. 若要从开发计算机移除生成的项目文件,可以使用Visual Studio中的“生成”菜单上的“清除”命令。
- Build projects with a few keystrokes by converting existing task lists in Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office Outlook into project plans. 通过将Microsoft Office Excel和Microsoft Office Outlook中的现有任务列表转换到项目计划中,只需几次键击操作即可创建项目。
- The outbreak of the war stayed the process of the building project. 战争的爆发中止了这个建筑计划的进程。
- The famous company purchased several unfinished building projects last month. 那家知名的公司上个月收购了好几个烂尾楼项目。
- Jerry left the examination room with a light heart. 杰利轻松愉快地离开了考场。
- After a long delay,the company lifted the curtain on the building project. 经过长期拖延以后,这家公司开始进行这项建筑工程。
- Basically assume project of irrigation works water and electricity, wadi dredge project, dock to build project, industry the task such as civil construction project. 主要承担水利水电工程、河道疏浚工程、码头建筑工程、工业民用建筑工程等任务。
- Jerry disliked his job so he gave it up. 杰瑞不喜欢他的工作,所以把它放弃了。
- For newly built project that we encourage, the administrative and utilities charges before the project starts will be collected at the minimum standard of 30% in addition to reducing and exempting various charges to the utmost. 对新建鼓励类项目,除最大限度减免各项收费外,其开办前的行政性和事业性收费一律按最低限的30%25收取。
- Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 introduces a reduced-code approach to building projects. Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005为项目的生成引入了精简代码方法。
- Discusses building projects that use facilities outside the integrated development environment. 探讨如何生成在集成开发环境之外使用功能的项目。
- Jerry: I never had a beard. I kept my hair inside the helmet. 杰端:我以前是从不留胡子,我头发是在头盔里。