- There he goes, blah blah blah, talking nonsense as usual. 他又来这一套了,夸夸其谈,像往常一样谈来谈去都是废话。
- Michael: ...tatoo is a map &blah blah blah... 纹身确实是地图。。。帮我回忆云云。。。叽里咕噜一大堆。。。
- Get to the point .Not just blah blah blah. 言归正传,不要只说这些没用的事情。
- There he go,blah blah blah,talking nonsense as usual. 他又来这一套了,夸夸其谈,像往常一样谈来谈去都是废话。
- There he goes,blah blah blah,talking nonsense as usual. 他又来这一套了,夸夸其谈,像往常一样谈来谈去都是废话。
- There he go, blah blah blah, talking nonsense as usual. 他又来这一套了,夸夸其谈,像往常一样谈来谈去都是废话。
- I thought: She'll probably get hit on the head and develop amnesia and blah blah blah. 我想她接着可能就被撞到了脑袋然后失忆然后布拉布拉布拉。
- The Kremlin's claim that Russia is a western-style democracy is mere "blah blah blah", he adds dismissively. 他还轻蔑地补充道,克里姆林宫宣称俄罗斯是西式民主,这简直就是胡扯。
- They said the Olympics are so blah blah blah good for the people, I said it's best if everyone maintains their own perspective. 有关方面说奥运对人民有如此这般这般这般的好处,我说大家各自保留观点好了。
- Did I say Chan must be right?Did I say no one could criticize Chan's views?Did I say JJS could not allege the underlying cause of blah blah blah is blah blah blah? 没有一个绝对不可争论的论点;并不表示不能提出一些可靠的论点;更不表示不能对一些明显不合逻辑;或/和不符合已有知识(所谓常识)的推论作出质疑.
- Listen to the jabber of those monkeys. 听那些猴子在吱吱喳喳地叫。
- Skandar: There were like seven year old kids all around me saying "What is it, Skandar? What is it?" So I just said, "Oh blah blah, just pink wrapping paper". 我旁边有好多七八岁的小孩,他们都问我,这个是什么?这个是什么?所以我只好说,哦哟,没什么的,粉红色的包装纸而已。
- PVP: This ability blah blah. PVP:此技能如何如何。
- Now you're redirected to something like 00 blah blah blah, OR it could be 01 blah blah. (When it is a 00, it puts out the string directly.When it is a 01, it redirects to another part in the file. 接者你就会被重新导引到00甚么甚么的或01甚么甚么的.;(如果是00他将直接放出字串;如果是01他将重新导引到档案的另外一部分
- The true reason I have provided identical translations of ”Blah blah blah” for Principles #8, #9, and #10 is that these principles say exactly the same thing, namely, “Blah blah blah. 我把原理8、9、10解释成“废话,废话,废话”的真实原因是这些原理讲的是同一个内容,换句话说,就是“废话,废话,废话”。
- Get to the point .Not just blah blah blah。 讲重点,不要只说些废话。
- To speak rapidly or incoherently;jabber. 急促不清地说话急促而含混地说话;急促而不清地说话
- To talk noisily or stupidly;jabber. 高声说话吵吵嚷嚷或愚蠢地说;唧唧喳喳地叫
- The port number of the Jabber server. Jabber服务器的端口号。
- The host name of the Jabber server. 服务器的主机名称。