- It was all I could do not to laugh at the joke. 我听了这个笑话禁不住发笑。
- It was as much as I could do not to laugh. 我尽了最大的努力,才没有笑出来。
- Not knowing much Italian, it was all the teacher could do to keep one step ahead of the class. 因不太懂意大利语,老师只能做到比全班水平稍高一点。
- It was all I could do to persuade him. 我好不容易才劝服他。
- It was all I could do to suppress my anger. 为克制我的愤怒,我做到了我所能做的一切。
- Not knowing much Italian,it was all the teacher could do to keep one step ahead of the class. 因不太懂意大利语,老师只能做到比全班水平稍高一点。
- Not knowing much Italian, it was all the teacher could do to remain one step ahead of the class. 老师对意大利文懂得不多,他所知道的只是比班上的学生多那么一点。
- Believe me. It was all I could do. 相信我,我能做的都做了。
- No crops were planted. Except in north-west Europe and the far northland it was all Man could do to exist. 没有种植任何庄稼。除欧洲西北部和再靠北方的地区外,人类要想在那里生存是不容易的。
- It was all I could do to keep themfrom shooting him, in the flush of success. 我费了九牛二虎之力,才制止他们在胜利的冲动下开枪打死他。
- It was all I could do to keep them from shooting him, in the flush of success. 我费了九牛二虎之力,才制止他们在胜利的冲动下开枪打死他。
- It was all Kunta could do to keep staggering and lurching behind Samson. 昆塔勉强地在萨姆森后面东倒西歪,跌跌撞撞地走着。
- It was as much as he could do to pay his way. 他只能做到不负债的地步。
- When the signal came, Chubby was off like a rocket before I could react, and it was all I could do to hold on. 信号一发出,我还没来得及反应,查比如弩箭离弦向前奔去,我所作的只有握紧缰绳,任它奔驰。
- I did not see the accident. It was all over in the twinkling of an eye. 事故发生在转眼之间,我没有看到。
- While not glamorous, it was one I could do. 虽然工作不讨人喜欢,可那是我力所能及的事情。
- It was one of those parties where you coughed twice before you spoke and then decided not to say it after all. 这是那样的一个聚会,你在会上说话之前咳嗽两次,结果又决定不再说话了。
- It was all of two miles to the beach. 离沙滩足足有两英里。
- It was difficult not to be tempted. 对此不动心是很困难的。
- It was unjust of them not to hear my side. 他们不听我这方面的意见,这不公正。