- It may well be that the train is delayed. 很有可能火车晚点了。
- It may well be that ethical language has primarily a motivative function. 很可能的情况是,伦理语言主要具有促进功能。
- As for the flavour of life, it may well be that I've tasted a lot more of it than you. 讲人生滋味,也许我尝得比你多得多。
- It might well be that an accident could befall myself and I would like somebody to rescue me. 事故很可能降临到我的身上,我希望到时候有人来救我。
- It may well be asked,is this a correct stand? 试问这种立场也是正确的吗?
- It may well be asked, is this a correct stand? 试问这种立场也是正确的吗?
- It may well be argued that it was put there by Europeans. 我们大可以说那是欧洲人加进去的。
- It may well be worth trying to gum up the joint. 很应该试试把结合处粘上。
- I believed that this struggle is going to go on and it might well be decided in the next decade. 我相信这一对抗还将会持续下去,并可能在下一个十年中得出结果。
- Indeed, it may well be that those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds. 事实上,每隔一段时间,那些把工作看作娱乐的人们很可能最需要以某种方式把工作驱赶出他们的大脑。
- Indeed,It may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds. 的确,这很可能是那些工作即消遣的人们最需要获得一种方式,以便使大脑每隔一段时间从工作念头中解脱出来。
- Indeed, it may well be that those work is their pleasure are those who and most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds. 说实在的,把工作当作享受的那些人最需要每隔一段时间把工作从头脑中撇开。
- According to Mr Paul Volcker, it may well be systemic. 套用沃尔加先生的说法,这大抵是体系上的问题。
- By allowing accumulation of sick leave, it may well be that the Act will provide a positive incentive for employees not to misuse sick leave. 法案对病假可以攒而用之的规定,或许可以有效防止病假被滥用。
- Indeed, It may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds. 的确,这很可能是那些工作即消遣的人们最需要获得一种方式,以便使大脑每隔一段时间从工作念头中解脱出来。
- So it may well be that the increasingly blurry distinction between hedge-fund managers and less racy traditional managers will become obsolete. 因此,很有可能出现的情况就是在对冲基金经理人和稍显惰性的传统经理人之间的日趋模糊的界限也会时过境迁成为过去。
- It may well be that the mass condemnation of Western calls for greater political tolerance is in fact a sign of political success. 这样就有充分理由说明针对西方要求更多的政治宽容呼吁的大规模谴责事实上是政治成功的表现。
- It may well be this capacity that distinguishes humans, setting them apart from other animals. 也可能正是这种异于禽兽的能力,把人类与其他动物区别开了。
- Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are th-ose who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds. 确实,对那些工作即是娱乐的人来说,最需要隔一段时间就用某种方式把工作从脑子里面赶出去。
- Therefore it may well be that it is folklore on the imaginative rather than on the realistic side, and that some forgotten writer set it down in some forgotten medium. 因次,这个故事很可能是出乎想像的民间传说,并非事实,由一位佚名的作家将它写了出来,登在一种什麽报刊上大家也想不出来。