- It is recommended that our work plan be modified. 有人建议要修改我们的工作计划。
- It is recommended that you have only one Briefcase. 我们建议你最好只有一个公事包。
- It is recommended that action be taken. 兹建议采取行动
- It is recommended that you buy high-quality lenses. 推荐你买高品质的镜头。
- It is recommended that you turn tracing off. 建议您关闭跟踪功能。
- It is recommended that constraints be explicitly named. 建议显式命名约束。
- It is recommended that you use a logon script to run this tool. 建议使用登录脚本来运行此工具。
- It is recommended that you use this file name form in most cases. 建议您在大多数情况下使用这种文件名格式。
- It is recommended that you wrap script blocks in a CDATA section. 建议将脚本块包装在CDATA部分中。
- It is recommended that authentication information be encrypted. 认证资讯被加密是被推荐的。
- It is recommended that the piping be supported by hangers. 建议采用挂耳支撑管道。
- It is recommended that you perform the testability review. 推荐你执行易测性复审。
- It is recommended that you send fatal error reports to Microsoft. 建议您将错误报告发送到Microsoft。
- It is recommended that you use the same account as the DAS account. 建议您使用与DAS帐户相同的帐户。
- It is recommended that all vents be piped to the exterior of the building. 建议所有的通风孔都输送到建筑物外部。
- Therefore, it is recommended that you switch from mixed mode to native mode. 因此,建议从混合模式切换到纯模式。
- It is recommended for all users of Visual Basic 6.0. 建议所有的Visual Basic 6.;0用户都使用它。
- It is recommended to plan an escort for this kind of convoy. 因此建议规划为这种车队护送。
- It is recommended routine treatment when TSH<0.1 mU/L. 最近的专家委员会推荐;当促甲状腺激素小于0.;1mU/L时;可开始治疗。
- It is recommended for the use in neurophysiological experiments. 已用于动物实验,取得明显的效果。