- Ah! It was necessary that I liked you ingenuously to?? 啊!我率直地喜欢你很有必要啊?
- It was agreed that another meeting was necessary. 大家一致认为有必要再开一次会。
- Should it be necessary,I could cone at six . 必要的话,我可以六点钟来。
- Should it be necessary, I could cone at six . 必要的话,我可以六点钟来。
- He did not think that it was necessary to make a hell of this world to enjoy paradise in the next. 他不以为,为了来生得到享受而把此生化为地狱的必要。
- He was convinced that it was necessary to get across to them. 他深信现在很有必要告诉他的。
- And would it be necessary for me to work on weekends? 我在周末有没有必要加班?
- It was necessary to keep this fiction alive. 必须让这个美丽的谎言保持下去。
- It was a pity, but it was necessary. 这是很可惜的事情,可也是事出无奈。
- However short life might be, it was necessary to sustain it. 无论生命多么短促,坚持到底总是必要的。
- It was necessary to move speedily. 行动必须迅速。
- She had said what it was necessary to say. 她已经说了一切有必要说的话。
- Thus it was necessary for me to resign. 因此我有必要辞职
- Bob had to touch up the exterior paintwork where it was necessary. 鲍勃要给所有外表需要修饰的地方上油漆。
- It was necessary to satisfy stringent criteria to justify its use. 使用苛刻的标准来评价其实用性是完全必要的。
- It was necessary for them to have remedies for their ailments. 对于他们必须有药物可以治疗他们的疾病。
- Time was flying--it was necessary to institute sharp measures. 时间过得飞快--非采取严厉手段不可了。
- It was necessary to seize and control the main strategic points. 必须占领和控制主要的战略据点。
- In default of his assistance, it was necessary to be assured of his neutrality. 如果他不肯帮忙,至少也该让他保守中立。