- isthums branchiale 鳃峡
- The symptom of sodden branchial disease? 烂鳃病的症状?
- IV. They present a propulsive tail, pharynx and branchial openings. 它们有一条推进用的尾巴,咽及鳃裂。
- Method:16 cases with the first branchial fistula were analyzed retrospectively. 方法:对16例第一鳃器瘘管患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。
- Most of the branchial cysts, neurinomas, lymphoma had lateral acoustic shadow. 腮裂囊肿、神经鞘瘤、淋巴瘤大部分有侧方声影;
- Branchial crack cyst with the 2nd branchial crack cyst to see at most. 鳃裂囊肿以第二鳃裂囊肿最多见。
- The second branchial fistula and thyroglossal fistula are relatively common lesions. 摘要第二鳃裂瘘和甲状舌管瘘在临床上较为常见。
- Branchial it is OK to crack cyst evil change, can check on bursa wall sometimes former a cancer. 鳃裂囊肿可以恶变,有时在囊壁上可查到原位癌。
- Most of the thyroglussal duct cyst and branchial cleft cyst were monolocular, while lymphangioma was multilocular. 甲状舌管囊肿及鳃裂囊肿呈单房性,淋巴管瘤多为多房性。
- Branchial cleft cyst had the relatively fixed location and hadn't been enhanced. 鳃裂囊肿有其相对固定的发病部位,增强扫描无强化。
- Branchial cyst is a rarely seen inheritent cyst commonly located in the lateral face and neck. 鳃裂囊肿是一种较少见的位于面颈侧方的先天性囊肿。
- The lymphoepithelial cyst has been commonly termed branchial cleft cyst or branchial cyst. 摘要淋巴上皮囊肿在以前常被称为鳃裂或鳃囊肿,其病因仍有争论。
- Objective:To conclude the clinical therapy experiences on the recurrent branchial cleft cyst and sinus in 19 cases. 目的:总结19例复发性鳃裂囊肿和瘘的手术治疗经验,以期提高鳃裂囊肿和瘘的治愈率。
- Objective: To explore the causes and preventive measures for recurrent branchial cleft cysts and fistulas. 摘要目的:探讨鳃裂囊肿及瘘管术后复发原因及预防措施。
- Objective:To improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of the third branchial fistula. 目的:提高第三鳃裂瘘管的诊断与治疗水平。
- Bilateral branchial cleft fistulas are uncommon, but the incidence is higher in the same family. 摘要双侧鳃裂异常临床上较为罕见,且常有家族遗传倾向。
- The literature review introduces the andvances reseach of branchial asthma in children which comprises three parts. 文献综述部分共有三部分,从三个方面阐述了近年来儿童支气管哮喘诊疗方面的进展。
- Method The clinical data of 18 patients with first branchial cyst and fistula were retrospectively analyzed. 方法回顾性分析18例患者的病例资料,全部病例行手术切除。
- Method:The experiences in managing 2 cases of third branchial fistula were summarized. 方法:总结2例第三鳃裂瘘管诊断与治疗的全过程。
- Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of the congenital first branchial cyst and fistula. 摘要目的探讨先天性第一鳃裂囊肿及瘘管的诊断和治疗方法。