- isothermal melting furnace 等温熔炼炉(ITM)
- Only one preheating furnace can suffice all melting furnace's use. 一台预热炉就可以满足所有熔炼炉用料。
- An environmentally friendly melting furnace using clean energy as fuel. 采用纯净能源为燃料。
- The line is composed of hot gas generator, melting furnace and annealing furnace in series. 研制成功一种新型烧煤的炉组,由热煤气炉、熔化炉和退火炉串联组成。
- Moye courageously jump in the fire, Jin Pin melting furnace, and finally cast a pair of male and female Shuangjian. 莫邪奋勇纵身火中,炉中金铁销熔,终于铸成了一对雌雄双剑。
- With capasity of 1mt / hour and and so a coreless copper induction melting furnace with 600 kg / hour capacity. 生产能力为1公吨/小时而且无核铜熔炼窑有600公斤/小时的生产能力。
- Adding 2 types of 125kgVacuum Melting Furnace, another international Vacuum Furnace for 500 kg. 添置国内先进“125公斤真空熔炼炉”2台。引进国际先进“500公斤真空熔炼炉”1台。
- Using a system based on a cast iron melting furnace, we have established technology for vitrifying waste such as incinerated ash, casing ash, etc. 采用以铸铁熔炉为原型的系统,确立了焚烧后灰烬,铸铁沙粒等废弃物的熔融固化技术。
- Gasification &melting furnace,a new method for processing municipal solids waste was described and its research progress was presented in this paper. 本文介绍了一种新的城市生活垃圾焚烧处理方式-气化熔融炉的工艺过程,国外发展现状和研究进展。
- The dioxins reduction technology of ash melting in municipal solid waste incineration and the property of ash melting furnace bas been presented. 对近年来国外所研制的二恶英低减化城市生活垃圾焚烧灰渣熔融处理技术及其熔融炉的特点作一介绍.
- The product is composed of melting furnace, electrode clap, grid module, operation desk, welding additive desk, plate ear washing machine, etc. 该产品由溶铅炉、冷却机、极群夹具、汇流排模具、整理台、助焊剂台、极板洗耳机、极板刷耳机等组成。
- A vacuum induction melting furnace with tri-chambers has developed to suit the high needs of the quality and production of engine vanes. 为适应我国的发动机叶片的高质量和高速度生产的要求,开发了三室真空定向结晶炉。
- The sulfur melting furnace with high temperature heat pipe was successfully applied in the process of rubber vulcanization. 介绍了高温热管的工作原理、结构和传热性能,以及高温热管熔硫器在橡胶硫化工艺过程中的成功应用。
- A high temperature swirl melting furnace for innocuous disposal of incineration fly ash has been developed after having studied both its chemical and physical properties. 在研究焚烧飞灰化学、物理特性的基础上开发了用于无害化处理焚烧飞灰的高温旋流熔融炉,熔融渣可用作建筑材料。
- In order to improve the quality of magnesium billets,magnesium melt for DC casting was purified by using stainless steel mesh in the magnesium melting furnace with bottom apex. 采用在底流式镁合金熔炼炉中施加不锈钢丝网过滤的方法在半连续铸造工艺中实现镁合金熔体净化,以达到提高镁合金锭坯质量的目的。
- Electromagnetic stirring in aluminum melt furnace can significantly improve production and economical efficiency of aluminum production enterprise. 铝熔炉的电磁搅拌能显著提高铝加工企业的生产效率和经济效益。
- This paper introduces the mechanism, advantages of oxy-fuel combustion in glass melting furnace and there are some problems and solutions in the application process. 摘要阐述了玻璃熔窑全氧燃烧技术的机理,全氧燃烧应用的优点以及应用过程中存在的一些问题和解决方法。
- The efficiency improves because it is material direct flame combustion. The holding furnace combustion exhaust gas is introduced into the melting furnace via trough. 使用直接火焰燃烧室来提高效能,并将保温室中的剩余热能透过导槽引回熔解炉内。
- By adding silver nitrate as antibacterial agent into the batch of phosphate glass,the author has prepared the antibacterial glass in high temperature melting furnace. 采用高温熔融法,在磷酸盐玻璃的配合料中引入抗菌剂硝酸银,一次熔化制得抗菌玻璃材料。