- Isolation and cloning of human neural stem cells, intracerebral grafting and transgene expression in mice. 人神经干细胞的分离、克隆和动物脑内移植及转基因表达。
- MEF, bEF, hEF feeder layer cells all can promote the efficiency of the isolation and clone human ES-like cells derived from PGCs. MEF、bEF、hEF三种饲养层细胞对人PGCs体外培养均有促进作用。
- Genetic engineering has reached the stage that permits the relatively straightforward isolation and cloning of the gene for any well-characterized protein. 基因工程已经发展到允许相对直接的分离和克隆为任何一种具有良好性能的蛋白质的基因阶段。
- Isolation and Cloning of ES-like Cells of Goat 山羊类ES细胞的分离与克隆
- Objective:To isolate and clone bovine embryonic stem cells from bovine fetus Primordial germ cells(PGCs). 目的从牛原始生殖细胞中分离克隆牛胚胎干细胞。
- Isolation and Cloning of 17 Novel C 2H 2 Zinc Finger Gene Fragments 17个新的C2H2型锌指基因片段的分离与克隆
- Objective To isolate and clone novel O-superfamily conotoxin genes of Conus capitaneus Linnaeus collected from Hainan,which would provide the initial drug leads to investigate and develop Conus capitaneus conotoxins. 目的从海南产大尉芋螺毒液中分离克隆新型O-超家族芋螺毒素基因,为大尉芋螺毒素药物的研究与开发提供源头化合物。
- Synthesis and Clone of Cecropins' Gene in E. coli (多重PCR合成天蚕素基因及其在E.
- Clone movies and clone jokes sprang up overnight. 骤然间,克隆电影、克隆笑话纷纷涌现。
- Isolation and clone of embryonic germ cell from rabbit primordial germ cell 从原始生殖细胞分离和克隆兔的胚胎生殖细胞
- The Isolation and FT-IR Study of Natural Pigments. 天然色素的分离及红外光谱鉴定。
- It's the path ofst isolation and in protectionism. 持续繁荣和稳定的唯一道路是打开市场和开放贸易。”
- Think of the possibilities for robotics and cloning in the future. 考虑到机器人和克隆技术在未来的可能性。
- Love makes one overcome the sense of isolation and separateness. 爱可以使人战胜孤独和分离之感。
- The Effect of Rat Heart Conditioned Medium in Isolation and Cloning of Embryonic Stem Cells from ICR Mouse Embryo 大鼠心肌条件培养基对ICR小鼠胚胎干细胞分离克隆的影响
- Isolation and identification of southern stem canker of soybean. 大豆南方茎溃疡病菌的分离与鉴定。
- The endogenous retroviral NP9 gene was isolated and cloned using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and T-A cloning techniques, and its sequence was determined with Perkin-Elmer ABI 377 DNA Sequencer. 对NPg基因编码的蛋白质序列分析结果显示:NPg表达的蛋白质是一种强碱性蛋白质,其等电点为9.;59,其中精氨酸占13
- Isolation and purification of polysacchride in Lycoris Herb. 石蒜属植物多糖的分离纯化。
- Isolation and Cloning of Chicken Embryonic Germ Cells from Primordial Germ Cells 从原始生殖细胞分离克隆鸡胚胎生殖细胞的研究