- Pertaining to the detection and isolation of a malfunction or mistake. 用于修饰或说明与故障或错误的检测和隔离有关的特性。
- How did he label the "degrees" of trend? (问)艾略特是如何标示波浪级别的?
- Isolation of Mycellia from Wild Russula sp. 野生红菇菌丝体分离技术研究。
- California is on the cut edge of trend that spreads nationwide. 加州走在全国流行的尖端。
- As with percents of trend, this measure is also a percentage. 同趋势百分数一样,这个量也是一个百分数。
- Isolation of a Strong Promoter and Its Functional Study. 一种强启动子的分离与功能。
- Emerson did well to emphasize the isolation of these people. 爱默生着重说明这些人各自为政,这一见解可谓精辟。
- Donchian was the undisputed father of trend following. 唐奇安是名正言顺的趋势跟踪之父。
- For selective isolation of Salmonella spp and some Shigella spp. 用于沙门氏菌、志贺氏菌的选择性分离培养。
- The auxiliary verb is an organic system of trends. 助动词内部是一个动态的有机系统;
- It distorts the natural formation of trends. 它扭曲了自然的趋势。
- What Kind of Trend of Thought the "Public Intellectual" View Is? "公共知识分子"论是怎样一种思潮?
- Isolation of Genomic DNA from Cinnamomum cassia Presl. 中药肉桂基因组DNA的提取。
- Isolation of bacterial types from a mixed population of organisms. 在生物混合群体中分离不同种类的细菌。
- California is on the cutting edge of trends that spread nationwide. 加州走在全国流行的尖端。
- Even so, younger buyers and others who have been on the leading edge of trends continue to prefer Japanese cars in disproportionate numbers. 尽管如此,年轻的顾客以及走在时代潮流前面的人,仍然宁买日本汽车,其人数之众简直不成比例。
- Effects of Trend of Population Development on Transform of Curriculum of P. E. 我国人口的变化与体育课程可持续发展。
- Successful isolation of the virus from these specimens was also reported. 还报告了从这些标本中成功分离出该病毒。
- Pertaining to the detectionand isolation of a malfunction or mistake. 用于修饰或说明与故障或错误的检测和隔离有关的?匦浴?
- The chaplain relished the privacy and isolation of his verdant surroundings. 牧师十分欣赏他那苍翠的环境所具有的幽雅恬静,与世隔绝的气氛。