- Ecology Environmental Impact Assessment In Dalong Irrigation works. 海南大隆水利工程生态环境影响评价。
- Small and medium-sized irrigation works spread all over the country. 全国中小型水利工程星罗棋布。
- Traditional Malawi threshing method. 2,3: Irrigation works set up by the ROC. 4. The Domasi scheme. 图1:马国农民传统的打谷方式。图2、3:我国农耕队为马国修筑完善的水利设施。图4:杜马西垦区的良田景观。
- Comrades: Nose? my province is new infrastructure of irrigation works of round of year is about to pull open prelusive. 同志们:当前,我省新一轮年度水利基本建设即将拉开序幕。
- This is the major event that career of our country irrigation works has milepost sense. 这是我国水利事业一件具有里程碑意义的重大事件。
- Amateur pressure pipe irrigation works done since the generation of software quality table! 业余做的水利工程压力管道质检表自生成软件!
- The Reclamation Act of 1902 provided for the use of receipts from land sales in the arid states to finance the construction of reservoirs and irrigation works. 1902年的垦荒法规定,用土壤贫瘠地带的各州出售土地的款项为建造水库和灌溉工程提供资金。
- Chinese people have been aware of the importance of protecting environment. In rural areas, irrigation works construction is in the ascendent. 中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。
- Show the characteristic according to irrigation works institution to be made to livening interior allocates an issue in order to consider. 现根据水利事业单位的特点对搞活内部分配问题作以研究。
- This is Han city government " encourage irrigation works of supportive run by the local people " new the promotive policy that come on stage. 这是韩城市政府“鼓励支持民办水利”新出台的奖励政策。近年来,韩城市民办水利工程由点及面,蓬勃发展。
- Irrigation works of people start construction, shock-proof and aseismatic etc is for seek mankind and natural harmonious concern. 人们兴修水利,防震抗震等都是为了谋求人类与自然的协调关系。
- With worsening of water environment the corrosion of the steel sluice gates in irrigation works increasingly becomes serious. 水环境的恶化,使水工钢闸门腐蚀加重。
- As irrigation works worker, should ground of there is no shirking the responsibility goes facing, go hard explore and thinking. 做为水利工作者,应责无旁贷地去面对,去努力探索和思考。
- The stress state of radial sluice gate pier in hydroelectric and irrigation works is very complicated.The stress in some position far exceed the limit tensile stress of concrete. 摘要水利水电工程中广泛采用的弧形泄水闸墩应力状况复杂,某些部位拉应力远超过混凝土受拉极限。
- Irrigation works had been built by the government since 1950s, therefore the flood in Hanjiang river was eliminated basically, and no more estrade was built. 20世纪50年代以来国家组织下的水利建设,基本消除了汉江的水患,也导致了不再有新的台子修建。
- Geogrid is a new type of geosynthetics, which have strengthening, reinforcing, protecting functions and were widely applied to highway, railway, irrigation works, coal mine etc. 土工格栅是一种新型的土工合成材料,它广泛应用于公路、铁路、水利、煤矿等领域,在工程中起到加强、加固、防护等功能。
- Zhang Jiuxiang is the person with a special status, become director of province irrigation works to begin from twenties, his glory is in " Culture Revolution " in reached peak. 张久祥是一个身份特 殊的人,从二十几岁当上省水利局 长开始,他的光荣在“文革” 中达 到了顶峰。
- The important technical problem of submergence evaluation for the right bank of down stream of the subsidiary dam in Nierji irrigation works was solved. 在三维渗流电网络计算的基础上,进一步进行了粘土层内含水带的埋深计算,并重新选定毛管水上升高度值和浸没临界深度。
- Save Agriculture Bank of irrigation works hall, province and city county leader, departmental, appoint, do, cadre of tall above of secondary division level attended this meeting. 省水利厅、省农行及州县领导,各部、委、办、高的副科级以上干部参加了这次会议。
- Basically assume project of irrigation works water and electricity, wadi dredge project, dock to build project, industry the task such as civil construction project. 主要承担水利水电工程、河道疏浚工程、码头建筑工程、工业民用建筑工程等任务。