- Water is channelled through a series of irrigation canals. 把水引入一系列灌溉渠中。
- This irrigation canal has fallen into disuse. 这条渠荒废了。
- Minimum discharge of irrigation canal. 设计典型年渠道需要通过的最小灌溉流量。
- The field are crisscrossed by irrigation canals and ditches. 田野上沟渠纵横。
- Alongside each irrigation canal a drainage ditch was dug. 沿着每一条灌溉渠,他们还挖了一条排水沟。
- The fields are crisscrossed by irrigation canals and ditches. 田野上沟渠纵横 。
- The set of opinion was toward building a new irrigation canal. 大家的意见倾向于修建一条新灌溉渠。
- The setof opinion was toward building a new irrigation canal. 大家的意见倾向于修建一条新灌溉渠。
- There the irrigation canal links up with the reservoir. 灌溉渠在那儿与水库连接起来了。
- How many man-days will be needed to construct this irrigation canal? 修这条渠道要多少人工?
- It won't take a lot of manpower to construct this irrigation canal. 修建这条渠道不需要很多人工。
- Have dug a piece of irrigation canals and ditches that can't be crossed over"! 掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠“变了!
- Yinchuan is in the middle of a mesh of irrigation canals in the plains. 银川市位于平原浇灌区的中央。
- This is Wang's home village in Sichuan, where irrigation canals line fields and a cement factory belches fumes. 这就是王志军在四川农村的家,用来灌溉的水渠穿过农田和一个水泥厂正吐着烟。
- Toxic effluents, including pesticides and herbicides, seep into ground water or directly into irrigation canals. 有毒废水、杀虫剂、除草剂等渗入地下水或直接进入灌溉渠。
- Rather than erect barriers, he said, Turkey plans to pick up the pace of constructing irrigation canals near dams in Anatolia, in southeastern Turkey. 他表示,土耳其不会阻挠食品出口,而是打算加快其东南部安纳托利亚水坝附近的水渠建设速度。
- Meteoric water, artificial exploitation and percolation for irrigation canals are the main influence factor of dynamic variation of groundwater. 地下水位频繁的升降一是改变了上覆土体的状态和强度,促进土体崩落;
- Isa. 7:17, 18), who moved the capital to Nineveh and made the deported peoples work on improving Nineveh's system of irrigation canals. 以赛亚书,7:17,18),把首都迁往尼尼微,驱使那里的人努力工作去改善尼尼微的灌溉系统。
- The extensive irrigation canals could be greatly improved;many are simply cuts through sand, and they allow enormous quantities of water to seep away. 密集的灌溉渠道也需要改进,许多渠道只是在沙地上挖出水沟,导致大量水份渗失;
- Pumping sediment-laden flow at the suitable places in the irrigation canal system is a new way to deal with siltation. 泥沙长距离输送,使绝大部分泥沙进入田间,就可实现引黄灌溉的良性循环。