- It may be irresponsible and unruly, but it belongs more to China than to the United States. 朝鲜可以不负责任也可以不受管制,但是根美国相比,它更属于中国。
- irresponsible and unruly 狂悖
- In Tudor's eyes, Ireland was full of independent and unruly lords. 在都铎国王看来,爱尔兰充斥着独立不羁的领主。
- Domestics are in all countries a spoiled and unruly set. 无论在哪个国家,家务都是桩败兴而又难以驾驭的事情。
- From your body emitting a break away from all of the unrestrained and unruly. 从你的身体里散发出冲破一切的奔放与不驯。
- You will suffer for your laziness and unruliness. 你迟早会为你的懒惰和任性付出代价。
- At the resume stage, this is an irresponsible and presumptuous thing to say. 在简历上说这句话是很不负责任,蛮横的行为。
- The parents showed remarkable forbearance toward their defiant and unruly son. 父母对儿子的桀骜不驯示以了极大宽容。
- I consider the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy to be both fiscally irresponsible and morally troubling. 我认为布什对富人的减税政策既在财政上不负责任,也在道德上说不过去。
- We may want to look into that, because some of them are irresponsible and unskillful. 但是我仍然想说的是,在你做决定之前一定要好好想清楚。
- The goal of VCT services is to reduce the intent of irresponsible and self-destruction in clients. VCT服务的目标就在于减少求询者不负责任与自我毁灭的意向。
- The sixth indictment against stereotyped Party writing is that it is irresponsible and harms people wherever it appears. 党八股的第六条罪状是:不负责任,到处害人。
- "Both views are irresponsible and superficial, since they didn't give any reasoning," broke in Tu Hsueh-shih, his cat-like face suddenly very stern. “都是不负责任的话!没有说出个所以然来的浮话
- Forget it; the flirtatious, fun-loving Twin will not impress you. To you, Gemini's are irresponsible and unworthy of your dedication. 摩羯-子:别再想他/了,玩世不恭的双子座没什么能打动你的。双子座人通常缺乏责任心,并不值得你付出一切。
- It would be completely irresponsible and unethical to use drugs on people that had not been thoroughly tested on animals. 但是布莱克默教授却强调说,如果把还没有在动物身上彻底实验过的药物用在人身上,那是完全不负责任和不道德的。
- It could be completely irresponsible and unethical to use drugs on people that had not been thoroughly tested on animals. 没有在动物身上进行过全面试验的药物,用于人类是完全不负责任和不道德的行为。
- Your compatibility score with Sagittarius is 71%. Sagittarians are honest and to-the point but can also be irresponsible and brash. 你和射手座的相性为71%25。射手座的人诚实,直言不讳,但也不负责任,性急...恩,性急,不好玩
- Shirley: Yeah, what does it say about personal trainers?We may want to look into that, because some of them are irresponsible and unskillful. 雪莉:也是,上面说到私人教练了吗?我们必须了解清楚,因为现在很多教练不负责,而且也不专业。
- It would be very irresponsible and extremely dangerous to circulate the so-called ethnic confrontation or religious conflict. 在这个问题上宣扬所谓民族对立或宗教矛盾是不负责任的,也是非常危险的。
- She says many drivers are irresponsible and they should obey laws in order to protect the public and themselves from accidents. 她说许多驾车人都不负责任,他们应当为了公众以及自身的安全遵守法律。