- An oil-burning lamp, often of colored glass, for outdoor use. 小油灯一种户外用的常带有彩色玻璃灯罩的油灯
- An oil-burning lamp,often of colored glass,for outdoor use. 小油灯一种户外用的常带有彩色玻璃灯罩的油灯
- An oil - burning lamp, often of colored glass, for outdoor use. 小油灯一种户外用的常带有彩色玻璃灯罩的油灯
- Made by fragments of colored glass at one end of the tube. 这是通过管一端的有色玻璃碎片。
- Lazurite, an ancient name for Chinese colored glass. 琉璃,中国玻璃古称谓之一。
- Wright called the colored glass windows in his buildings @light screens. 赖特把他设计建筑里采用的这种彩色玻璃窗叫做“亮屏”。
- Egyptian glass articles were of colored glass, often beautifully patterned. 埃及的玻璃制品是有色玻璃,经常饰以美丽的图案。
- However, many cars now have refracting or colored glass to cut down on glare. 因此,许多汽车现在装备使光线折射的玻璃或把玻璃染色来减少眩目的影响。
- Brightly colored glass ornaments give many trees a homey, warm feel. 鲜艳色彩的玻璃装饰品使很多树给人一种家的、温暖的感觉。
- Color glass bead is a new kind of material for deluxe photoetch decoration. 廊坊市百越商贸有限公司主要生产路面表现用的反光玻璃微珠,道路防滑面层用防滑骨料珠。
- It's like seeing San Francisco through rise - colored glasses. 这就像透过玫瑰色眼镜看旧金山,显得光明而欢乐。
- He looks at the world through rise - colored glasses. 他看待世界的态度过于乐观。
- The flame in the furnace can be looked at through colored glasses. 可以通过有色眼镜观看高炉内的火焰。
- It will then be possible to block all of the peaks but one, by using absorbing filters of colored glass or gelatin. 利用彩色玻璃或彩色胶片的吸收滤光片,就可以把别的峰都挡掉而只留下一个峰。
- They decorated their palaces with glass mosaics(pictures made by putting together small bits of colored glass). 他们还用玻璃镶嵌图案(把许多彩色小块玻璃拼成图案)。
- Now, some of the colored glass windows from his buildings are being shown at a museum in Washington, D.C. 现在,他设计建筑里采用的一些彩色玻璃窗正在华盛顿的一家博物馆展出。
- American artist who developed an opalescent colored glass that he used in stained - glass windows,lamps,and other decorations. 蒂凡尼,路易斯·康福特1848-1933美国艺术家,他发展了一种用于彩色玻璃窗、灯罩和其它装饰品的乳白色玻璃
- Sometimes we see through colored glasses and do not see the beauty of the soul. 有时候,我们带着有色眼镜看人,对灵魂的美丽熟视无睹。
- Suppresses kinds of winebottle and the allotypic glass, produces glass art products and the presents, the cut glass, the colored glass production. 压制各种酒瓶及异型玻璃、生产玻璃工艺术品及礼品、刻花玻璃、有色玻璃制品。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。