- iron protein complex 铁蛋白质复合物
- An iron-containing protein complex, found principally in the intestinal mucosa, spleen, and liver, that functions as the primary form of iron storage in the body. 铁蛋白一种主要存在于脾、肝和肠分泌的粘液中的含铁的蛋白复合物,它是身体内储存铁的主要形式
- An iron-containing protein complex,found principally in the intestinal mucosa,spleen,and liver,that functions as the primary form of iron storage in the body. 铁蛋白,一种主要存在于脾、肝和肠分泌的粘液中的含铁的蛋白复合物,它是身体内储存铁的主要形式。
- The protein complex bound to the pathogen is destroyed in the liver by specialized cells that are caned macrophages. 蛋白质复合体与病原体相结合后将在肝内由一种叫巨噬细包的特异细胞来破坏掉。
- Main compositions: Extract of grape pip , Cornflower, Thermal water extract, protein complex, Licorice, VA acid. 主要成份:葡萄籽精华、温泉水精华、蛋白复合物、矢车菊精华、甘草精华、VA酸。
- Main compositions: Spring water extract, Protein complex, Extract of sweet tea, Natural locust extract. 主要成份:温泉水精华、蛋白复合物、甜茶萃取液、天然皂角精华。
- Main compositions: Spring water extract, VA acid, Protein complex, Extract of sweet tea, Sorbierite extract. 主要成份:温泉水精华、VA酸、蛋白复合物、甜茶萃取液、山梨醇精华。
- As a first step in any protein design work that we do, we try to recapitulate the key interactions that are known to stabilize the protein complex. 而 我们现在所要寻找的不是太空中行星表面的最低点,而是所有可能构成蛋白质的结构。
- PROTEAN, a computer program, draws on numerous sources of data to create detailed estimates of structure, such as this protein complex from a ribosome. 一个名为protean的计算机程序综合了不计其数的数据源,以便能够创建一个详细的结构评价,比如从一个核蛋白体而来的蛋白质综合体。
- One further challenge will be to determine whether and how opposing activities within a protein complex on a given genetic locus are regulated. 还有一个需要解决的问题是:蛋白复合体对已知的基因座是否发挥反作用,以及如何发挥作用。
- The GABAA receptor is a protein complex composed of five subunit parts, which can be mixed and matched in various combinations. GABAA受体是由五个次单体所形成的蛋白质复体,这五种次单体可由不同的排列组合方式混合配对。
- Patented Lengthening formula with an advanced protein complex goes on smoothly, dries quickly and wears all day without flaking. 欧莱雅这款防水加长睫毛膏,令睫毛整齐分开,有个美丽的长度。
- Quantitative immunoprecipitation combined with knockdown (QUICK) discriminates between specific and nonspecific interactions with an isolated protein complex. 减量式定量免疫沉淀方法排除了蛋白质复合体中非特异性相互作用的干扰;
- PROTEAN , a computer program, draws on numerous sources of data to create detailed estimates of structure, such as this protein complex from a ribosome. 一个名为protean的计算机程序综合了不计其数的数据源,以便能够创建一个详细的结构评价,比如从一个核蛋白体而来的蛋白质综合体。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- It will take weeks to get all the wrinkle iron out. 解决这些难题得要几周时间。
- Nmi(Nmi|s)could form large protein complexes exhibiting as different migrating band in separate cell lines. 在不同的细胞系中 ,Nmi表现为不同的蛋白复合物迁移带 ;
- Have you any scrap iron knocking about? 你那儿有散在各处的废铁吗?
- Nucleus contains mucopolysaccharide protein complex, chondroitin sulfate and a lot of water, at the time of birth of up to 90 percent moisture content, an adult is about 80 percent. 髓核中含有粘多糖蛋白复合体、硫酸软骨素和大量水分,出生时含水量高达90%25 ,成年后约为80%25。
- He cut the iron pole to the size he wanted. 他把铁杆锯成他需要的尺寸。