- ionization constant of acid 酸的电离常数
- In the case of carbonic acid, the ionization constant of ??is much smallar than the ??for acetic acid. 至于碳酸,电离常数为?岜却姿岬牡缋氤J??嘈〉亩唷?/UK>
- This paper describes a method for measuring the ionization constants of reagents and raw materials and finished products of drugs by automatic titrator. 本文介绍利用全自动滴定仪快速测定化学试剂、原料药、成品药的电离常数。
- Determination of the Ionization Constant of Sophoridine by the Spectrophotometric Indicator Method 分光光度指示剂法测定槐定碱的电离常数
- In graphical processes, the use of acid to bite an image in to a metal plate. 在图形处理技术中,用酸在金属板上腐蚀出图象的处理方法。
- The spring constant of a spring. 弹簧的弹性常数。
- Determination of the ionization constant of eugenol by the spectrophotometric method 紫外分光光度法测定丁香酚的电离常数
- He took a lot of acid and really freaked out. 他服用了大量的麻醉药,真的失去控制了。
- Effect of Permanent Charge on the Intrinsic Ionization Constant of Zn-Al Hydrotalcite-like Compounds Zn-Al类水滑石结构正电荷对内禀电离平衡常数的影响
- Some substances resist the action of acid. 有些物质能抗酸。
- Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution. 石蕊试纸可用以测试溶液是否含酸。
- Keywords pH-spectrophotometry;Evolving Factor Analysis;Bilinearity;Ionization constants of polyprotic acid(Ed.: Z;S); 分光光度;渐进因子分析;双线性;多元酸离解常数;
- Some freshwater fish such as pike can withstand levels of acidity. 一些诸如梭鱼等淡水鱼可以抵御相当程度的酸性。
- DHMO is a major component of acid rain. 是形成酸雨的主要成分。
- They have a high tolerance of acid conditions. 它们对酸性环境有很强的耐受性。
- The value of this property is a constant of type size_t. 此属性的值是类型为size_t的常数。
- Containing a base, especially in excess of acid. 含碱的,尤指超过酸的含量
- Having a high concentration of acid. 酸性的含高浓度酸的
- ionization constant of base 碱电离常数
- Some substances resist the action of acid . 有些物质能抗酸。