- Put these invoice in numerical order. 把这些发票按其号码顺序放好。
- Payment is due within60 days of the invoice date. 发票开出日期起60日之内付款。
- Backdate your invoice to April1st. 你的发票日期应填到4月1日算起。
- These are some indigestible statistics. 这是些很难理解的统计资料。
- Enclosed is our program invoice in duplicate. 随函附上我方估价单一式两份。
- I happen to have the official statistics with me. 我碰巧身边有官方的统计数字。
- Get me a printout of the statistics. 给我一份打印出的统计资料。
- Enclosed you will find an invoice of50 cases goods. 随信附上50箱货物的发票,请查收。
- Mary's vital statistics are38-24-38(inches). 玛丽的三围是38-24-38(英寸)。
- A signed invoice presumes receipt of the shipment. 经过签字的发票表示货物已经收到。
- He spent hours poring over the statistics. 他花了数小时钻研这些统计数据。
- He is a professor of statistics. 他教授统计学。
- The goods or services itemized in an invoice. 清单项目清单上逐条列出的货物或服务。
- The statistics were given in parenthesis. 统计数字在括号里。
- A demand note is sent automatically when the invoice is overdue. 若发票愈期未付,一张即期票据(交费通知单)便自动输出。
- An invoice of goods carried on a truck or train. 货单有关卡车或火车所载货物的清单
- All these statistics about increased wages cut no ice with me. 所有这些有关工资提升的数据我都不关心。
- That filing cabinet contain invoice ordered by date. 那个文件柜中的发票是按日期顺序整理好的。
- Statistics indicate that our living standards have risen. 统计数字表明我们的生活水准已提高。
- No further discount will be given for prepayment of invoice. 对该发票的提前付款,我们不能作更大的折扣。