- The middle aged man calmly motioned for the joker to come over to his table, and invited him to sit down. 中年男人平静地招呼这个奚落他的年轻人来自己桌前坐坐。
- The middle-aged man calmly motioned for the joker to come over to his table, and invited him to sit down. 中年男子平静地示意这个奚落他的年轻人来到自己的桌前,并请他坐下。
- My sister persuaded him to come over. 我姐姐说服他来。
- Is there any possibility for him to come over back? 他有可能回到你的身边吗?
- invite him to come over 将他请来
- Then I would invite him to come outside and check out the Ford Fiesta! 那么我想请他来看看外面的福特嘉年华!
- He said,and invited him to come right over to their annual picnic. 那位经理说,然后邀请父亲过去参加他们的年度野餐会。
- Then noticing Tyler nearby, she motioned for him to come over and play. 接着,她注意到附近的泰勒,就示意他过来玩。
- Hey don't look over, but two o'clock is totally eying you. Wanna stay to wait for him to come over or leave? 喂,不要看过去,两点钟方向有人在打量你?想要留下来等他过来找你,还是要走了?
- She called one of her boyfriend's buddies and asked him to come over and calm him down. 她给男友的一位好朋友打电话,请他来家里劝劝男友,让他冷静冷静。
- The autumn of 1924, Boge Long invited him to come watch the terrain. 1924年秋,他邀请波格隆前来观看地形。
- It was like him to come down to brass tacks. 他就是这个脾气,说话单刀直入。
- I will invite him to spend the holiday with me. 我想邀请他和我去度假。
- Why don't you invite him to play golf this Sunday? 何不邀请他这个星期天去打高尔夫球?
- From that hour a change seemed to come over him. 自那时起, 他似乎有了改变。
- If I were you, I would invite him to the party. 如果我是你,我会邀请他参加聚会。
- I decided to invite him to my birthday party. 我决定邀请他参加我的生日晚会。
- I persuaded him to come back with all my might. 我竭力说服他回来。
- She didn't invite him to have dinner with them. 她没有邀请他同他们一道就餐。
- What did they invite him to do ? 他们邀请他干什么?