- People in Siping believe that Siping has abundant base and rich resource, good image and atmosphere of inviting outside investment, is the ideal place for investing. 四平人民坚信,有着雄厚基础和丰富资源的四平,有着良好招商形象和氛围的四平,一定会成为投资者发展最理想的地方。
- Entering WTO and the tactical adjustment to invite outside investment and fund in ottr country 加入WTO与我国招商引资策略的调整
- inviting outside investment and fund 招商引资
- Trying Our Best to Do the Work of Inviting Outside Investment 努力实现招商引资工作撑杆跳
- The Inspiration from Inviting Outside Investment and Fund in Suzhou 苏州市招商引资实践的启示
- Cultivating a Fine Work Style of Government in the Inviting Outside Investment 在招商引资中加强政府作风建设
- Being on guard against the "four modernizations" while inviting outside investment 警惕招商引资中的"四化"
- Website and participating in the making of such websites as PingJiang invites outside investment in the office 平江县招商引资局网站
- Setting up the Pattern of Open Economy with Creative Theory of Inviting Outside Investment 以创新的招商理念构建大开放经济格局
- inviting outside investment 招商引资
- But there appears a trend that E.D.Z.s compete lower preferential policies to get outside investment. 但随着招商引资工作的深入开展,却出现了一些经济开发区竞相提供更优惠的政策以吸引外资的倾向。
- China will allow outside investment including foreign investors in its defense sector, state media reported July3, as it seeks to invigorate the long-protected industry. 在似乎给受到长期保护的国防工业打气的同时,中国打算允许国外的投资进入它的国防工业部门,这个消息是由中国国家媒体在七月3日发布的。
- The county government has released a new policy for land examination and approval, which is undoubtedly for the purpose of attracting outside investment and talent. 县政府出台了新的土地审批的政策,这无疑是筑巢引凤之举。
- The queen was gracious enough to invite us. 女王亲切地邀请了我们。
- The active loan support shall be given to the enterprises with outside investment which introduce technology and products which may be marketable and bring about profit. 对引入有市场、有效益的技术和产品的外来投资企业给予积极的贷款支持;
- Now, Let us invite Ms Jeanne to address us. 现在,请珍妮女士给我们讲话。
- Shall we invite them back after the theatre? 看完戏我们把他们邀回家去好吗?
- I felt obliged to invite him into the parlor. 我只得把他让进客厅。
- She has many friends, and is ofen invited outside, so she seldomly stay home at night. 她有很多朋友,晚上常被邀外出,因此她晚上很少在家里呆着。
- We invite her to have Thanksgiving dinner with us. 我们邀请她和我们一起吃感恩节晚餐。