- An offer must be distinguished from an invitation to treat. 我们应该把要约和要约邀请区分开来。
- An offer must be distinguished from an invitation to treat, a statement of intention and a supply of information. 在陈述意图和提供信息的时候,要约必须从邀约中区别出来对待。
- Care must be taken, however, in distinguishing between an offer and an invitation to treat. 要注意的是,无论如何,应当区分出协议中的要约和要约邀请。
- She passed up the invitation to dinner. 她谢绝出席宴会的邀请。
- He readily accepted an invitation to dinner. 他欣然接受邀请去吃晚饭。
- We have received an invitation to dine out today. 我们接到今天赴宴的邀请。
- What a shitty way to treat a friend! 这样对待一个朋友,真不像话!
- Mr Foster is sorry that he cannot accept your invitation to dinner. 福斯特先生不能接受你的宴请,深表歉意。
- That's no way to treat a friend. 那不是对待朋友的方式。
- She managed to wangle an invitation to the reception. 她设法弄到了招待会的请帖。
- We have a standing invitation to visit them when we're in the area. 他们邀请我们将来到那里时去他们家做客。
- The doctors were not able to treat this disease. 医生治不了这种病。
- The government refuses to treat with terrorists. 当局拒绝与恐怖分子谈判。
- An open window is an invitation to burglars/an invitation to crime. 窗户开著会引贼入室[引发窃案]。
- It is said that the plant can be used to treat hepatitis. 据说那种植物可用来治肝炎。
- Oh horrors! Not another invitation to tea with Aunt Muriel! 可别再应邀去缪里尔大婶那里参加茶会了。
- I feel greatly flattered by your invitation to address the meeting. 蒙您邀请在此会上演说,我深感荣幸。
- No self-respecting doctor would refuse to treat a sick person. 凡是有自尊心的医生都不会对病人置之不顾的。
- I was very flattered by your invitation to talk at the conference. 承蒙你邀我在会上讲话,深感荣幸。
- Would you accept my invitation to a stag party? 你愿意接受我的邀请参加男性聚会吗?