- Paying Attention to Invigorating Yangqi or Warmly Nourishing Yangqi in Treatment of Tristimania 治疗抑郁症应重视温通阳气和温补阳气
- invigorating yangqi 温通阳气
- A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating. 在凉爽的天气里轻松地散步令人心旷神怡。
- Insufficiency of blood, asthenia of yangqi. 主治:1、阴血不足,阳气虚弱症。
- An invigorating, refreshing, or restorative agent or influence. 增强物增加活力、精神或帮助恢复的物品或影响
- Reform means invigorating the economy. 改革就是搞活
- Causing exhilaration;invigorating. 令人高兴的使人感到快活的;振奋的
- A delicious or invigorating drink. 甘美的饮料一种好喝的能增加精神的饮料
- He invigorating at write the homework. 他精神充沛的在写作业。
- This is a timely and invigorating call to arms. 这是一次时机适当而又提振精神的动员令。
- The admiral made an invigorating speech before the sailors. 海军上将在海员面前做了一个鼓舞士气的讲话。
- QiJiao is the process of the mutual induction in the YingQi and YangQi. 气交是指天地阴阳二气相互感应而交合的过程。
- Invigorating the country through science and education. 科教兴国是根本大计。
- This is a prerequisite for invigorating China's national economy. 这是我国实现经济振新的必要前提。
- They are looking into ways of invigorating the department. 他们正在寻找激发这个部门活力的方法。
- He found it invigorating to speak of the struggle for realism. 一提到为现实主义奋斗,他感到浑身是劲。
- An invigorating,refreshing,or restorative agent or influence. 增强物增加活力、精神或帮助恢复的物品或影响
- Serena: I don't know. I am mad, but that was invigorating. 爽快的,发泄的挺爽,这里S是说刚刚那一巴掌打的很泄愤。
- Fire up your energies with an invigorating horse ride. 你的精力消防开展冬泳骑马。
- And it's fun, it's really invigorating to be such a wise ass. 很有趣,成为那个聪明的家伙真的很爽。