- Magically, impoverishment became a "special investment vehicle". 就像魔法一样,穷人变成“特别投资工具”。
- The cash deposit can be regarded as investment vehicle with minimal risk. 现金存款视为最低风险的投资工具。
- It subsequently evolved into an even more complex investment vehicle. 并随后发展成为一种更为复杂的投资手段。
- Research on the underlying investment vehicles. 潜在的投资工具研究;
- A mutual fund (called 'unit trust' in Asia) is an investment vehicle that pools money from many individual investors. 互惠基金(以下简称'单位信托'是在亚洲)是一个投资渠道,集中资金,由许多个人投资者。
- We have provided tax advice to a Japanese securities company in connection with its establishment of an investment vehicle in the U.S. For Japanese pension funds. 我们曾经为一家日本证券公司就其在美国为日本退休基金设立一个投资工具的税务问题提供咨询。
- Collective Fund An investment vehicle that combines tax exempt assets of various individuals and organizations in order to create a well diversified portfolio. 集体基金结合多名人士及机构的免税资产,组成多元化投资组合的投资工具。
- Increasingly, they are being pooled into collateralised debt obligations (CDOs), another form of investment vehicle that is growing as fast as a hedge-fund manager's bank balance. 逐渐地它们被集中成债务抵押债券,另一种形式的投资工具,目前它与对冲基金经理的银行存款余额增长的一样快。
- The company, which is registered offshore, owns only 850 of the stores and manages the remainder, which are owned by Mr Huang through an onshore investment vehicle. 该公司在海外注册,仅拥有850家分店,同时对黄光裕通过一个在岸投资工具所拥有的其他分店进行管理。
- Mr Kroenke owns a bigger share of the club than billionaire Alisher Usmanov, who is only vying for control of the club via his Red and White Holdings investment vehicle. 克伦克目前股份数量超过了巨富阿里仕乌斯马诺夫,后者只想着通过他名下的红白投资公司控股阿森纳。
- The problems of structured investment vehicles (SIVs) are a case in point. 结构投资工具的问题就是一个恰当的例子。
- Capital Guarantee Fund An investment vehicle, offered by certain institutions, that guarantees the investor's initial capital investment from any losses. 资本保证基金金融机构提供的投资工具,保证投资者的初步资本投资不会有损失。
- I missed the details of the link between subprime loans, securitisation, special investment vehicles and a meltdown in money markets. 我没有谈及次贷、证券化、特别投资工具和货币市场危机之间的具体联系。
- In response to the lack of suitable investment vehicles, a German family of private entrepreneurs founded IDP in 1980 in Germany with a subsidiary in Switzerland. 为解决合适投资工具缺乏的问题,一个德国家庭的民营企业家于1980年在德国创办了IDP,并在瑞士成立子公司。
- Any investment vehicles offered to an RRSP account, such as savings account, GICs, fixed income securities, mutual funds, and ETFs, will be eligible for the TFSA. 适用于RRSP账户的任何投资,比如存款账户、定期存款、债券、互惠基金、指数基金等,都将适合于TFSA。
- Already taxpayers are exposed to tens of billions of dollars in soured AIG assets, via participation in investment vehicles that the government helped finance. 通过参与政府帮助融资的投资工具,纳税人目前已持有了数百亿美元的AIG不良资产。
- There was some hope in Blackstone's numbers, especially from its asset-management arm, which manages several hedge funds, mutual funds and other investment vehicles. 有人对百仕通的业绩存有希望,尤其是其旗下管理着数只对冲基金、共同基金及其他投资工具的资产管理公司。
- He invest all his money in a shop. 他将所有的钱投资于商店。
- She is advised to invest in real estate. 有人建议他投资于房地产。