- To hedge is to balance investment risk. 采用对冲方式就是平衡投资风险。
- By reducing the investment risk, tax incentives stimulate the early stages of wing power developmet. 由于减少了投资风险,税收优惠促进了早期阶段的风力开发。
- Investment risk is something to be accepted as part of the deal,values do go down as well as up. 风险是投资的一部分,基金的价值有起有落。
- By reducing the investment risk, tax incentives stimulate the early stages of wing power development. 由于减少了投资风险,税收优惠促进了早期阶段的风力开发。
- Warehousing projects investment risk evaluation is the prerequisite and decision-making basis of entire project. 仓储项目投资的风险评价,是整个项目决策的重要前提和依据。
- The investment risk as incurred therefrom shall be borne by investors themselves. 由此变化引致的投资风险,由投资者自行负责。
- Although this is not positive, but did not fundamentally change the investment prospects in India or have been perceived investment risk. 虽然这不是积极的,但是没有从根本上改变在印度投资的前景或已经察觉的投资风险。”
- It puts forward the function one direction S-rough sets,discovery and applications of investment risk F-laws by using these results. 利用这些结果;给出函数单向S-粗集与投资风险F-规律的发现与应用.
- This paper analyzes the investment risk of premixed concrete industry,and establishes the investment risk index system and the risk evaluation model. 对商品(预拌)混凝土行业投资风险进行了分析,并建立了投资风险指标体系和风险评价模型。
- The capital operation of football industry should present diversified development and the investment risk should be lowered. 从微观方面论述了中国足球产业资本运营当务之急是降低投资风险。
- Now, the research team has got the genes relative to the gastric cancer, and has registered the genes.So the investment risk falls consumedly. 目前,该项目组已获取了与胃癌相关的基因,并对基因进行了注册,完全度过了研发阶段的高风险期,使投资风险大大降低。
- Finance derivation is the product of financial innovation.Its function lies in the risk abhorrer can turn the investment risk to the risk loving. 金融衍生产品是金融创新的产物,其作用在于将投资风险从风险厌恶者转移到风险偏好者手中,提高每个交易者的效用。
- It is the key for business operation how to keep lookout of the investment risk and gain the higher rate of return on investment. 如何防范人力资本投资风险,获得人力资本投资较高的回报率,是决定企业经营成败的关键。
- Thus, the micro part of investment and development will get more Rinds which reduce the investment risk and increase the probability of success. 这样,微观投资和开发主体丰富了资金来源,有效地降低开发风险,提高商业房地产项目的成功率;
- On the staff, can use the loan to buy stock, but also full to avoid investment risk, which for the encouraging, Application significantly over the sale of stock. 而对员工来说,既能利用贷款购买股票,又能充分避免投资风险,因而认购踊跃,申购数量大大超过出售股票。
- For example, you can easily think of those on the market, such as bonds or stock investment tool You may even think of the investment risk financial instruments or "stuck. 比如说,你很容易想到市场上的那些债券或股票等投资工具,你甚至还会想到金融工具投资风险或被“套牢”。
- We will charge clients for marketing management consulting project according to improvement on clients revenue, which could decrease investment risk on management consultation. 将营销管理咨询项目的实施费用与客户业绩的提升情况直接挂钩,降低了客户在管理咨询方面的投资风险。
- We must first make clear its own funds for the purchase of bonds, if it is to diversify investment risk diversification, the choice of bond funds is appropriate. 首先要清楚自己购买债券基金的理由,如果是为了多样化投资分散风险,选择债券基金是合适的。
- Based on the analysis of high-tech industry investment risk characteristics of their own on the basis of the Markowitz model in high-tech industry investment in the application. 本文在分析高技术产业投资自身风险特点的基础上,探讨了马科维茨模型在高技术产业投资中的应用。
- At the same time, along with policy environment's improvement and market maturity's increase, the real estate investment risk is also clear controllably gradually. 同时,随着政策环境的改善和市场成熟度的增加,房地产的投资风险也逐渐清晰可控。