- Is this a rental or investment property for you? 你这房子是不是用来出租或投资的?
- Buying investment property or a long-term investment cycle costs geometric? 买房投资大成本周期长投资房产得失几何?
- Hunan in the past, investment property to them downright ludicrous things. 搁在从前,投资房产对他们来说简直是天方夜谭的事。
- The Company's investment property is held for rental purposes under operating leases. 本公司持有投資物業,目的為按經營租約收取租金。
- The Group's investment property is held for rental purposes under operating leases. 本集團持有投資物業,目的為按經營租約收取租金。
- ExpatFlats - features Hong Kong rental apartments, local and global investment property, holiday rentals and home exchange. 您是谁房地产资讯平台-提供地产新闻、楼市动态、分析、讨论区,并从事房地产软件及短讯开发。
- Hence, the macro-control should be the core objective of curbing property prices, rather than to reduce the size of the investment property market. 因此,此次宏观调控的核心目标应当是抑制房地产价格的上涨,而不是减少房地产市场的投资规模。
- As we have emphasized in the past, residential property development will remain our core business, with investment property representing a small-scale diversification. 作为我们一贯的重点,发展住宅物业仍是集团的核心业务,而投资物业乃多元化发展之举,所佔比例甚小。
- As mentioned by our Chairman, through redevelopment, refurbishment and repositioning, we strive to enhance the value of our investment property portfolio. 正如主席所言,透过重建、翻新及重新定位,我们致力提高旗下投资物业组合的价值。
- I suggest formulates and consummates the law system about foreign investment property appraisal, enlarges criminal activity, sanction on foreign investment cheat behavior. 建议制定和完善外商投资财产鉴定法律制度,加大对外商出资欺诈行为的刑事制裁。
- However, such success may not at all resemble the current concept of success, which often requires making a fortune, of having a beautiful home, yacht, investment property, or an investment portfolio. 但是,这成功完全不相似于当前的成功观,当前的成功观通常需要制造一笔财富、拥有一个美丽的家、游艇、不动产投资或证券投资。
- CCB sources, it is a certain difficulty to define themselves, usually cases, the purchase of second and above housing, or one-time purchase of more houses, is considered investment property. 建行人士称,具体界定起来有一定的难度,通常情况下,购买第二套及以上房屋,或者一次性购买多套房屋,被认为是投资房产。
- So before all these negations come to your mind, you ask them a question first: HOW MANY INVESTMENT PROPERTIES DO YOU HAVE? 任何事情如果你一直想到不好的方面,那那些事情就会慢慢变的不好, 及时本来是好的!
- The real estate market growing external risks, investment properties has led to a full apprehensively unsustainable path. 房地产市场外部风险日益扩大,已使投资房产走上一条充满悬念的不可持续之路。
- On the other hand, the developers should also hold serval investment properties in order to diversify their business risks. 对于房地产开发企业,应适度增加收益型物业的投资,以期可以有稳定的收益,降低经营风险。
- Upon completion, the development will comprise a major component of investment properties which are expected to generate a recurrent income stream to the Group. 预计发展项目落成后,投资物业将占主要部份,可为本集团提供经常性收入。
- Recently, the CCB bank issued a circular calling for restrictions on investment properties take measures including lowering the ratio of loans, shortening the loan period. 日前,建行总行发出通知,要求对投资性房产采取限制措施,这些措施包括降低贷款比例、缩短贷款期限等。
- Recurring income could potentially rise from almost zero in 2006 to 19.3% of 2008 group EBIT with rising retention of investment properties in prime locations and Indian tolls. 只要公司的经营状况没有什么根本的变化,你就要一值持有你手中的股票!
- He invest all his money in a shop. 他将所有的钱投资于商店。
- She is advised to invest in real estate. 有人建议他投资于房地产。