- Appraisal team [IFC] The investment officer, engineer and economist for a project. 评估小组[国际金融公司]由投资官员、工程师和经济学家为某一项目的评估组成的小组。
- John Caldwell, chief investment officer at McDonald Financial Group, of Cleveland, Ohio, said he expects a strong quarter overall. 俄亥俄州奇夫蓝的麦当劳金融集团公司的投资总监约翰考德威尔说,他预期上一季度总的来说有一个强劲的财报。
- Jack Albin is the chief investment officer at Chicago based checks private Chicago-based Harris Private Bank. 对于这份报告,经济学家和美国官员做出了相同的反应。
- "If you buy the FTSE, you are not buying the UK economy," said chief investment officer Gary Dugan. 首席投资官加里.;杜根表示,“如果你买下富时,你并非买下了英国的经济。
- The Team and emerging markets business are headed by Richard Titherington, Chief Investment Officer. 投资总监理查德-提瑟林顿负责整个团队和新兴市场业务。
- Chief Investment Officer Britt Harris says that loss amounts to about 0.1% of the more than $100 billion portfolio. 他们买进了华尔街公司逾370亿美元的股份,通常是通过主权财富基金进行投资。
- "This month's [unemployment] report is a setback," said Jack Albin, chief investment officer at Chicago-based Harris Private Bank. 劳工部报告说,美国雇主6月削减了46万7千个工作岗位。经济学家和美国官员对此反应几乎一样。
- Jack Albin is the chief investment officer at Chicago-based Harris Private Bank."Clearly, this month's report is a setback. 位于芝加哥的哈里斯私人银行的首席投资顾问-杰克.;埃布林说:“确实,这个月的报告表示经济受阻”。
- That said, these numbers are coming in way lower than expected," said Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank in Chicago. 尽管如此,这些数字在未来的方式低于预期,说: ”杰克阿布林,首席投资官哈里斯私人银行在芝加哥。
- Shenzhen Customs Chief Investment Officer and a letter that Tieliang, Sanyinjiao out of the market last week's two-yang market. 深圳信和投资总监关铁良认为,上周市场走出三阴两阳的行情。
- His other employments include being a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and an investment officer at the World Bank. 在此之前,单先生还曾任美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院教授和世界银行的投资官员。
- But Thomas Galvin, chief investment officer with U.S.Trust, cautions that this so-called "relief rally" may be short-lived. 但美国信托的首席投资员ThomasGalvin告诫说“解脱式的股市回春”也许只是昙花一现的现象。
- Remco Polman, FMO's senior investment officer, says that HiTo will issue a few mortgage bonds as a test run in the spring. FMO的高级投资主管RemcoPolman说,HiTo将在春天试发行一些房产抵押贷款债券。
- Jack Albin is the chief investment officer at Chicago-based Harris Private Bank."Really, this month's report is a setback. 哈里斯私人银行芝加哥分行的投资经理认为,这个月的报告确实是个很大的挫败。
- The car companies must submit their proposals by 5 p.m.Tuesday to James Lambright, chief investment officer for the Troubled Asset Relief Program. 通用汽车和克莱斯勒必须在周二下午五点前把计划提交给问题资产救助计划(TARP)首席投资长兰布赖特(JamesLambright)。
- The PAG is responsible for identifying the most important risk-related issues and highlighting them to portfolio managers and the Chief Investment Officer. PAG负责确认最重要的、与风险相关的问题以及将这些问题向投资组合管理师和首席投资官进行明确的指示。
- Once you show that you have access to capital, that 'quick death' story goes away,' said Dan Bandi, chief investment officer at Integrity Asset Management in Independence, Ohio. 一旦你证明你能够获得资金,那么“突然死亡”的情况也就不存在了。
- They keep taking the football away,' says Jim Dunigan, chief investment officer at PNC Wealth Management in Philadelphia, a unit of PNC Financial Services Group Inc. 他们一直在泄气。
- Marc Faber, publisher of the "Gloom, Boom &Doom Report," and John Alkire, chief investment officer at Morgan Stanley Asset and Investment Trust Manag... 麦嘉华,在“暗,动臂和毁灭的报告”和John Alkire,摩根士丹利资产投资信托基金的首席投资官Manag出版者...
- Icons for the Sassies are women such as Katherine Garrett Cox, 33, recently named the chief investment officer at Aberdeen Asset Management at & 1 million plus a year. 像 新 近 被 阿 伯 丁 资 产 管 理 公 司 以 年 薪 超 过 100万 英 镑 聘 为 首 席 投 资 官 的 凯 瑟 琳 · 加 勒 特 - 考 克 斯 (33岁 )这 样 的 女 性 就 是 Sassy族 的 偶 像 。