- How will the proposed FRC benefit the investing public? 建议中的财务汇报局对投资大众有何好处?
- This reinforced the investing public's doubts and caused a snowballing effect. 这又会加剧投资公众的疑惑,进而导致滚雪球式的后果。
- This reinforced the investing public's doubts and caused a snowballing effect . 这又会加剧投资公众的疑惑,进而导致滚雪球式的后果。
- The underwriter guarantees the issuing corporation a specific price for the entire bond issue and makes a profit by selling the bonds to the investing public at a higher price. 证券包销商首先保证发行公司按规定的价格获得全部发行收入,然后他们再把债券以更高的价格卖给公众,并以此获取利润。
- I hope they are the exceptions, because poor corporate governance by company directors would affect adversely the interests of the investing public. 我希望他们只是少数个别例子,因为如果公司董事在企业管治方面做得不好,会直接影响投资大众的利益。
- The efficient market hypothesis (EMT) was certainly making the rounds through academia and the investing public at the time. 有效市场假说那个时侯在学院派和投资大众之中颇为流行。
- In the former case the issue is handled by a syndicate of US-based banks and the bonds are offered to investing public by means of a prospectus at an agreed issue price. 在纽约,是由以美国银行为基础的银团发行,债券是以说明书的方式,按协议发行价格,提供给投资者的。
- Perspective candidates might think twice about enrolling in this program and the investing public might distrust existing CFA charter holders and members. 想获得证书的考生会再三考虑是否要参加CFA这个项目,而且投资大众也会不相信CFA证书的持有者及其会员。
- China and the United States will have to mobilise private capital to fund the plants envisioned in step two by investing public funds and stimulating public-private partnerships. 中美两国将需要通过投入公共资金、刺激公私联营来动员私有资本投入到第二阶段所设想的发电厂中。
- Their main motives were to mislead their company's shareholders and the investing public by dishonestly inflating its equity value in order to protect their own share holdings in the company stocks in a falling stock market. 在股市全面滑落的时候,他们通过不诚实的手段,夸大公司股票的市值,目的是误导公司股票持有者和广大的投资民众,并保护他们自己所拥有的公司股票的价值。
- An investment banking firm acts as underwriter or agent, serving as intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public. 投资银行相当于股票承销人或代理商,作为股票发行者和投资者之间的媒介。
- For the first time since China's economic overhauls began almost 30 years ago, money from the investing public -- instead of the Communist Party -- is fueling expansion of the corporate sector. 中国改革开放近30年来,这是第一次出现了由民间投资而非政府资金在推动企业扩张的局面。
- A group of investment bankers that agree to purchase new issue stock from the issuer for resale to the investing public. 考同意向发行人购买新股,向社会分销的投资银行团体。
- But Fidelity may decide not to offer the fund to the general investing public, or to put a relatively high minimum investment on it. 但富达有可能决定不向普通投资者开放这只基金,或者为其设定一个相对较高的最低投资限额。
- Their move does not preclude others from investing. 他们这一行动并不影响其他人进行投资。
- Investment banking describes the activities of a firm conducted when serving as an intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public. 译文:投资银行业务描述的是一家公司作为证券发行者和投资大众的中间人进行服务活动。
- Investing in industry is money well spent. 钱投资在工业上是正确的。
- Investment banking describes the activities of a firm conducted when serving as an intermediary between an i uer of securities and the investing public. 投资银行业务描述的是一家公司作为证券发行者和投资大众的中间人进行服务活动。
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune. 她由于投资精明而积蓄了一笔财产。