- These findings have not been confirmed by the present investigative team. 这些结论尚未得到这一调查组的确认。
- The investigative team enrolled 56 patients with liver cirrhosis in a prospective cohort study. 试验小组纳取了56名患有英硬化的患者进行了列队性研究.
- Ross' investigative team copied a technique many police departments around the country routinely use to test the honesty and integrity of their officers. 罗斯和他的调查小组使用的方法是模仿全国各地的警察局用来例行检验其警员正直、诚实程度的通行办法。
- If you don't cooperate with me, then I'll have to leave you to the investigative team. 如果你不配合的话,我只好把你交给调查员小组了。
- But the Pakistani government insists a Scotland Yard investigative team arriving to help in the probe is sufficient to solve the controversy surrounding her death. 但是,巴基斯坦政府坚持表示,即将抵达巴基斯坦协助调查的英国伦敦警察厅有足够的能力解决布托之死引发的争议。
- Nanchangosaurus Economic Investigation team to investigate quickly. 南漳经侦大队迅速展开侦查。
- Several investigative teams settled on essentially the same approach. 好几个调查组采用了大体相同的方法。
- A government investigative team from Beijing is looking into how local and provincial officials allowed the factory to keep operating for years despite its failure to meet national emissions standards. 来自北京的官方调查组正调查地方与省级官员如何能允许该工厂运转数年,任凭其屡违国家排放标准。
- Hegang Coal Mine in Heilongjiang State Fu fire investigation team set up today. 国务院黑龙江鹤岗富华煤矿火灾事故调查组今天成立。
- The scientific investigation team found many mammoth fossils in the forest. 科考人员在森林中发现了很多毛象的尸骨化石。
- This gentle-hearted series stars John Lithgow as the High Commander of an investigative team sent to Earth on a mission to learn everything about humans and their so-called advanced civilization. 就在回家的路上,突然的一阵闪光与爆破,倒楣的提姆以为自己遇上了车祸,没想到下车一看,竟然是火星人的太空船撞上地球!
- The investigation team was never able to inspect Hitler's corpse, according to Mr Turtschenko. 据图尔茨琴科说,调查小组从没见过希特勒的尸体。
- The investigation team was never able to inspect Hitler's corpse,according to Mr Turtschenko. 据图尔茨琴科说,调查小组从没见过希特勒的尸体。
- Jeff, a former Detective Chief Superintendent with the Metropolitan Police, heads the investigation team. 主管调查组的列斯,是伦敦都会警队的前任侦缉总警司。
- Yesterday's meeting, Li Zhongbin Bazhong City Commission, gave a profound investigation team to review. 昨天的会上,巴中市委书记李仲彬向调查组作了深刻检讨。
- Organize investigation team for major non-conformance and customer complaint shooting. 组织调查小组对不符合及客户投诉的解决。
- Summary: State Coal Mine in Heilongjiang Hegang Fu-fire investigation team set up today. 简要内容:国务院黑龙江鹤岗富华煤矿火灾事故调查组今天成立。
- Seven ministries will send an investigation team dispatched from random inspection. 七部委将派出调查组分赴各地抽查验收。
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
- She has been the playmate of every boy on the football team. 她曾经是足球队上每个人的性伴侣。