- The chairs were inverted on the table. 椅子被倒置过来放在了桌子上。
- The chair is inverted on the table. 椅子倒放在桌子上。
- She catch the insect by invert her cup over it. 她把杯子倒扣在昆虫上,将它逮住了。
- inverted solubility 倒溶度
- invert solubility 逆向溶解性
- They differ in solubility and chemical reactivity. 它们在溶解度和化学反应活性上有差别。
- He forgot to set his speech in inverted commas. 他忘了把他说的话加上引号。
- The Determination of The Solubility of Pas Na. 对氨基水杨酸钠溶解度测定。
- Dalian Tianma Solubility Nonwoven Co., Ltd. 大连天马水溶布有限公司。
- Gases in Liquids, Test for Solubility of Fixed (05. 流体中气体的固定溶解性的试验(05。
- A single inverted index of one or more documents. 一个或多个文档的单个倒排索引。
- Third, increase the solubility of protein of CGM. 第三,玉米黄粉蛋白的增溶。
- An Inverted Branch of Plum Blossom. 一枝倒插的梅花。
- Humic acids promote the solubility of soil cadmium. 腐殖酸促进土壤镉的溶解性;
- The destination area is inverted. 目标区域已逆转。
- The value of solubility and WHC is lowest at PI. 在等电点处,其溶解性和持水性最低。
- Transitional cell carcinoma inverted type. 移行细胞癌,内翻型。
- Inverted front forks with radial mounts. 倒立叉战线径向淬火。
- Is an inverted reflection in the water! 其中的一座是倒映在水面上的呀!
- Can Images be Inverted in Mirrors? 平面镜能成倒立的像吗?