- The chairs were inverted on the table. 椅子被倒置过来放在了桌子上。
- It's just a dog's reflex movement. 这正是狗的反射运动。
- The chair is inverted on the table. 椅子倒放在桌子上。
- She catch the insect by invert her cup over it. 她把杯子倒扣在昆虫上,将它逮住了。
- Sorry I hit you; it was a pure reflex. 对不起我撞著你了; 这完全是无意的。
- inverted reflex [医] 倒错反射
- Motor coordination; a motor reflex. 肌肉运动的协调; 肌肉运动反射
- A law should be a reflex of the will of the people. 法律应该是全民意志的反映。
- He forgot to set his speech in inverted commas. 他忘了把他说的话加上引号。
- It is very useful to use a miniature reflex camera. 使用小型反光镜照相机很有用。
- A single inverted index of one or more documents. 一个或多个文档的单个倒排索引。
- I have get a twin - lens reflex camera . 我有一架双镜头反射式照相机。
- An Inverted Branch of Plum Blossom. 一枝倒插的梅花。
- I have got a single - lens reflex . 我有架单镜头反射式照相机。
- The destination area is inverted. 目标区域已逆转。
- Transitional cell carcinoma inverted type. 移行细胞癌,内翻型。
- To cause to undergo a reflex process. 使反射:引起或经过反射作用的过程语源。
- Reflex and absorption of the sound. 声音的反射和吸收。
- Inverted front forks with radial mounts. 倒立叉战线径向淬火。
- Is an inverted reflection in the water! 其中的一座是倒映在水面上的呀!