- We regard health as inversely related to social class. 我们认为健康状况与社会地位成相反关系。
- The LOG10 and POWER functions are inversely related to one another. LOG10和POWER函数彼此反向相关。
- Vegetable protein intake was inversely related to blood pressure. 摄取蔬菜类蛋白质与体内的血压是成反比关系。
- Recreational physical activity was inversely related to the risk of cholecystectomy. 休閒活动越多,越不会发生胆囊切除手术的需要,两者在因果关系上成反比。
- Recreational physical activity was inversely related tothe risk of cholecystectomy. 休闲活动越多,越不会发生胆囊切除手术的需要,两者在因果关系上成反比。
- The acidity of HPA is inversely related tothe kinetic energy of O KL_(23)L_(23) Auger transition. 从OKL_1L_1与OKL_(23)L_(23)俄歇峰强度之比,求出氧成键时增加电荷,进一步表明了杂多酸中氧原子成键情况。
- LV remodeling to amore spherical shape was inversely related to LVEF but was not associated with clinical outcome. 趋向于球形的左室重构与LVEF呈负相关,但与临床预后无关。
- Body moisture content of the turtleseemed to be inversely related to the fermented soybean meal content of the turtle. 体组成方面,则甲鱼之体水分含量与饲料中发酵豆粉含量呈现相反的关系;
- Therefore, bond price drop on rising yield, as bond price is inversely related to bond yield. 因此,债券价格下跌在收益率上升,因债券价格与债券收益率成反比。
- These are usually inversely related, i. E., High intensity storms are likely to be of short duration and low intensity storms can have a long duration. 通常强度与降雨时间的长短成反比,换句话说,高强度的暴风雨很可能会持续较短的时间,而低强度的暴风雨会持续比较长的时间。
- These results support the idea that in the human fetal forebrain axonal PSA-NCAM expression is inversely related to primary myelination. 这些结果支持人的胎儿前脑轴突中PSA-NCAM的表达反而与最初的髓鞘形成有关的观点。
- Conclusion Both SBP and DBP are inversely related to the serum adiponectin independent of other variables of the MS and other risk factors. 结论血清脂联素下降可能是导致SBP和DBP升高的因素之一,且该影响作用似独立于代谢综合征的其他成分。
- When goods are unrelated in consumption, the Ramsey rule implies that relative tax rates should be inversely related to compensated demand elasticities. 当商品在消费上不相关时,Ramsey法则意味着,相对税率应与补偿性需求弹性呈反向关系。
- EMT, LVET, PEP, MST, and ICT are remarkably inversely related to heart rate, but PEP / LVET, ICT/LVET, Qu/LVET, EML, and PWTT do not correlate with heart rote. 而PEP/LVET、ICT/LVET、Qu/LVET及EML、PWTT与心率不相关。
- Mothers of the case group had significantly higher for MPM using logistic regression analysis.The educational level was inversely related to the CHQ scores. 逻辑迴归分析的结果,显示疾病组母亲明显比对照组易罹患MPM,母亲的教育程度亦有显著相关。
- Based on the Health Belief Model, pregnancy weight control behaviors were positively related to Cues to action and inversely related to Perceived barriers to taking action. 健康信念模式部分,发现孕期体重控制行为与行动线索有统计上的显著正相关,与障碍性认知则有统计上显著的负相关。
- These residents want the smelter's owner, the Doe Run Company, to buy them out of their homes, whose property values are inversely related to the lead levels in the streets, the soil, the children. 居民们希望炼铅厂业主多伊铅熔炼公司买下他们房子的产权,因为其房产价值与大街、土壤和孩子身上的含铅量成反比。
- After adjustment for systolic blood pressure(SBP),the association between PP and stroke was inversely related in middle-aged population(B=-0.482,OR=0.618,P<0.01),but not significant in senile population. 校正收缩压后;脉压与中年人脑卒中呈显著负相关(B=-0.;482;OR=0
- The seepage in calcirudite was then measured experimentally as a function of the 3-D stresses.The results show that the calcirudite permeability is inversely related to the mean effective stress. 在渗流-三轴应力耦合试验机上开展的砂砾岩渗流应力耦合试验的结果进一步证明,砂砾岩渗透系数与平均有效应力成负指数函数关系。
- These residents want the smelter 's owner, the Doe Run Company, to buy them out of their homes, whose property values are inversely related to the lead levels in the streets, the soil, the children. 居民们希望炼铅厂业主多伊铅熔炼公司买下他们房子的产权,因为其房产价值与大街、土壤和孩子身上的含铅量成反比。