- The profit and loss account show the movements which have take place since the last balance sheet. 该损益帐目表明子上次资产负债表以来已经发生的变动。
- inventory profit and loss 盘存损益
- Nobody dreamed of passing his bill to his profit and loss account. 谁也不曾把债权放在自己的盈亏总帐上计算过。
- The profit and loss of minorit shareholders in the current period. 少数股东本期损益。
- We balanced the profit and loss to see what had been gained. 我们比较盈亏情况,看看赚了多少。
- Profit and loss account could show if the enterprise makes profit. 损益帐显示企业是否赢利.
- Profit and loss performance responsibility for the division. 负责区域的游戏运营的利益和损失。
- Estimate of capital reinvestment and its profit and loss. 四)资金之转投资及其盈亏之估计。
- Trading managers commonly equate skill with a trader's profit and loss (P&L). 交易主管通常把技能等同于交易员的盈亏(损益)。
- In making an inventory of the fixed assets, the net profit or loss incurred in discard and disposal, and also overage, shortage of fixed assets shall be accounted as current profit and loss. 在对固定资产的清查盘点中,对于固定资产盘盈,盘亏的净值,以及报废清理所发生的净损失,应当计入当期损益。
- Roscoe can read a profit and loss statement the way a symphonist reads a score. 罗斯科研究盈方一览表就象作曲家熟读乐谱。
- The profits and losses of that factory are on par. 那个工厂的盈亏相抵。
- How should profit and loss be shared between the parties to a joint venture? 合资企业各方如何分享利润、分担亏损?
- Each headcount will be scrutinized for its profit and loss rationale. 银行会对每个职位进行严格的盈亏审核。
- Interrogation by a southerner is slightly different, with more of an emphasis on finance, profit and loss. 被南方人讯问稍微有点儿不同,更多的是侧重于金融和利益得失方面。
- Good accounting knowledge in terms of Profit and Loss Balance Sheet and Cash Flows composition. 在利润表和损益表以及现金流量表上有良好的会计知识。
- The daily adjustment of portfolio to reflect profits and losses. 每日的统计以反映收益和损失。
- The company prepared a statement of its profits and losses. 该公司做了一份损益清单。
- Success and failure, profit and loss is often the difference between just some simple but far-reaching decision. 成功和失败,盈利和亏损之间的差别往往只是一些简单而又意义深远的抉择。
- In most instances, profit and loss control is not applied to central staff and service departments. 在大多数实例中,盈亏控制不适用于中央机构及服务部门。