- reserve for for inventory fluctuation account [经] 存货价格变动准备帐户
- inventory fluctuation account 存货价格变动帐户
- I regret not completing the inventory on time. 我很遗憾没有按时填好库存单。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- The market stead after last week's fluctuation. 继上周的波动之后,市场稳定下来了。
- She gave the true account of what had happened. 她如实地讲述了发生的事情。
- The store was closed for inventory all week. 那家商店因盘货暂停营业一星期。
- Please charge these bills to my account. 请把这些帐单记在我的账上。
- Some stores inventory their stock once a month. 有些商店每月盘货一次。-
- I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。
- You may open a current account at a bank. 你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。
- I enclose a cheque in settlement of your account. 兹附支票一张以结清贵处帐目。
- Price include yours3% but subject to freight fluctuation. 价格包括贵公司3%佣金,但需视运费的浮动而定。
- It was raining and on that account I wore a hat. 天正在下雨,因此我戴了一顶帽子。
- The decision was affected by his fluctuation of mood. 这个决定受他情绪的影响。
- I'd like to open a current account with you. 我想在你们这儿开一个活期存款帐户。
- She has written off an account of her trip. 她一口气把旅行见闻写了下来。
- I'll put this lunch on my expense account. 我要把这顿午餐记在我的开支帐户上。
- She paid the cash in to her bank account. 她把现款存入她的银行帐户。
- inventory fluctuation 库存波动