- DNS name contains an invalid character. dns 名称含有无效字符。
- An invalid character was found in text content. 在文本内容中发现一个无效字符。
- Parameter contains an invalid character. 参数包含无效字符。
- The specified prefix contains an invalid character. 指定的前缀包含无效字符。
- An invalid character was passed to the speech engine. 一个无效字符被传给了语音引擎。
- Then processing of the input string stops at the invalid character. 那么输入字符串的处理将在无效字符处停止。
- The expression contained an invalid character class name. 表达式中含有无效的字符类名。
- The share name contains invalid characters. 该共享名包含无效的字符。
- The specified job name contains invalid characters. 指定的作业名含有无效字符。
- There is an invalid character sequence in the URI formed by combining. 组合形成的URI中存在无效的字符序列。
- An invalid character was found, either on the command line or in a file. 命令行或文件中发现了无效字符。
- Contains invalid character, or the specified path to the file does not exist. 包含无效字符或者指定的文件路径不存在。
- Itinerari, materiale rotabile e scenari. pdf contains an invalid character.... 此时由于语言更改某些 软件 无法显示中文,会以乱码和?
- Invalid characters are encoded as a modified base 64 character. 无效字符被编码为经修改的base 64字符。
- Invalid characters (one of '\\/<>|:*?') in alias name. 在别名中含有无效字符 ('\\\\/|:*?'之一)。
- The Network Name specified contains invalid characters. 指定的网络名含有无效字符。
- The license code contains invalid characters or is too short. 许可证代码含有无效字符,或者太短。
- Then the invalid character is rejected, but parsing continues with the next character in the input string. 那么将拒绝无效字符,但会继续分析输入字符串中的下一个字符。
- The specified rename option prefix or suffix contains invalid characters. 指定的重命名选项前缀或后缀包含无效字符。
- The specified conflict option prefix or suffix contains invalid characters. 指定的冲突选项前缀或后缀包含无效字符。