- intrusive growing season 侵入生长时间
- Growing season frosts are uncommon. 生长期有霜实属罕见。
- A plant that completes its entire life cycle in a single growing season. 一年生植物全部生命周期为一个生长季节的
- Land left unseeded during a growing season. 休耕地播种季节的休种地
- Flowering throughout the growing season. 四季开花的整个生长季节都开花的
- Blooming throughout the growing season. 连续开花的,常开花的四季开花的,在生长季节里不断开花的
- A plant whose stem does not produce woody, persistent tissue and generally dies back at the end of each growing season. 草一种茎部由非木质的、非宿存的组织组成的,一般在每段生长期末死亡的植物
- The land was highly fertile, and the growing season was long. 土壤非常肥沃,生长季节很长。
- Fruit trees will not tolerate wet soils during the growing season. 在生长季,果树不耐土壤过湿。
- The 1st age class rhizome emerges at mid of growing season. 1龄根茎是在生长季中期开始形成的。
- The South has hot, humid summers, short winters and long growing season. 南部地区夏季湿热,冬季短,生长季节长。
- Deadheading encourages new flower growth for its next growing season. 调度鼓励新花卉生长下届生长季。
- They kept a careful watch over the vineyard throughout the growing season. 他们都认真地守着葡萄园。
- Good locations with long growing season are required to ripen the fruit. 生长期长的好位置,必须成熟的果实。
- Growing season, cold, then cool hill and dale corruption, the bursts of grief. 季节越来越冰凉,那漫山遍野腐败着阵阵哀凉。
- Then the growing season began, swamping us under wave after wave of produce. 接着一次是生长季节到了,一波又一波的农产品潮涌而来,弄得我们应接不暇。
- They look well in clumps in the garden all through the growing season. 在成长季的时候它们在花园里丛生看起来很棒。
- Then the land is free to be planted with sorghum during the best growing season. 然后在生长季节可以在土地上尽情地种植高粱了。
- Having a life cycle that normally takes two growing seasons to complete. 二年生的需要两个生长季来完成生命周期的
- During the growing season, both rims and canyon slopes are covered with a great variety of wildflowers. 在生长季节,峡谷边缘和斜坡上布满了各式各样的野花。