- intruded breccia 侵位角砾岩
- Intruded opinion into a factual report. 将个人意见硬塞在真实的报道中
- An agglomerate is a volcanic breccia. 集块岩是一种火山性角砾石。
- He intruded himself into the conversation. 他强行插话。
- The judge intruded his prejudices upon the case. 法官把他自己的偏见强加给这个案子。
- By studying,The JinChangGou Cu-Mo Deposits is a type of breccia which relate to granodiorite who had intruded superficial. 研究认为金场沟区铜钼矿是与超浅成花岗闪长岩体侵入有关的角砾岩型矿床,受北东和北西向断裂构造控制。
- He intruded himself into the conversation without a word of apology. 他连招呼都不打就插进来讲话。
- Breccia and mylonite in slip band. 滑带中的角砾岩和糜梭岩。
- It's who that intruded into the Garden of Eden. 是谁闯入了伊甸园?
- He intruded his own ideas into the argument. 他在争论中插嘴说了自己的观点。
- Seawater and salt water intruded. 海、咸水入侵等等。
- The suspicion intruded itself into his mind. 他心中顿起疑惑。
- The man intruded himself into our conversation. 那个人在我们的谈话时擅自嘴。
- She intruded herself into the meeting. 她挤进了那个会议。
- The crash intruded on his awareness. 撞击声引起了他的警觉。
- They intruded on our dinner party. 他们闯入我们的宴会。
- Sounds from the corridor intruded on his thoughts. 走廊里传来的声音打断了他的思路。
- In the extreme case the boxwork collapses, forming a breccia. 在特殊情况下,蜂窝坍塌,形成角砾石。
- But then came the jarring moment, as breaking news intruded. 但是当出现突发新闻时,也出现了不和谐的声音。
- The host rock conformably overlies a band of siliceous cherty breccia. 含矿主岩整合地上覆于硅质燧石角砾石带之上。