- What you need a good introductory course for non-science majors. 你需要修一门为非理科专业学生而设的好的入门课程。
- Go straight to the experts for an introductory course in book illustration. 为书例证的介绍课程直接去找专家。
- An introductory course in the molecular biology of the auditory system. 此课为听觉系统的分子生物学之导论课程。
- The introductory course will be for the same participants as the sales training course. 介绍课程的对象跟销售培训课程的对象相同。
- Gass, S. &L. Selinker. 2001. Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course (2nd ed )[M].NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 语言教学:从语法到语法技能)[M].;北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- Since 15.564 is an introductory course, no knowledge of how computers work or are programmed is assumed. 由于15.;564是一门介绍性的课程,学生不需要懂得计算机如何工作或如何编程。
- This introductory course helps students learn to pose questions and analyze problems in the field of planning in developing countries. 这门导读课程协助学生学会在开发中国家的规划范畴提出问题和分析难题。
- Students at other universities often complain that an introductory course in psychology is a bewildering hodgepodge of unconnected facts and theories. 其他大学的学生常抱怨说心理学的导论课程是个让人糊涂的大杂烩,一堆互不相干的事实和理论。
- For my non-American readers: most US college departments have a course numbered “101” which is the basic introductory course for any field. 这里要先对非美国的读者澄清一下:对大部分的美国大学学院的课程来说,若其带有课程码101,则代表它是该领域的基础入门课程。
- Target Group: This is an introductory course suitable for those who want a basic knowledge of the fundamental principles, theories, and concepts upon which marketing is based. 培训对象:是一门基础课程,适合需要了解市场营销基础知识,基本原理和理论的人士。
- Abbey College provides the full-time university introductory course and English language curriculum for the different background and the cultural international student. 阿贝学院为不同背景和文化的国际学生提供全日制大学预备课程和英语语言课程。
- F.302/352 is the second part of an introductory course to the French language and culture with an emphasis on the acquisition of vocabulary and grammatical concepts through active communication. 352 是法语语言及文化入门课程的第二部分,著重在透过积极有效的沟通练习习得字汇及文法概念。
- This is an introductory course for freshmen to develop an understanding and appreciation of university education, the origins, traditions and objectives of universities, and its relationship with the contemporary society. 本科介绍现代大学之概念及其组织,并讨论大学之始源、大学与教育目的、学术生活及其与现代社会之关系。
- Since I'm taking introductory courses, there are a lot of students in my classes. 我修的是入门课程,所以我班上学生很多。
- In the Department of Family Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, a one-hour EBM introductory course complemented by web-based teaching materials was delivered to each group of students. 以台大医院家庭医学部实习医师为研究对象,每组给予一小时的实证医学简介。
- This is an introductory course on Sino-Tibetan languages and linguistics.Issues such as fieldwork methods, genetic relations and language contact will be introduced and discussed in the class. 本课程介绍汉藏语系诸语族概况,介绍语言调查方法,讨论语言亲属关系、语言接触和语言类型学等相关理论问题。
- Regional Introductory Course in Industrial Property 工业产权区域初级课程
- An introductory course in data processing 数据处理入门课程
- Introductory Course in Communication and Texts 交流和正文的介绍性课程
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。