- One who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit. 讲轶事的人擅长讲故事和说轶事的人
- It was a conversation pleasantly coloured with wit and anecdote. 这是一次充满妙语和轶闻的愉快交谈。
- Recall the story and retell it to us. 回想一下那个故事,给我们复述一下。
- That's my story and I'm sticking to it. 我说的就是这些;句句实情.
- This is a very small selection of true stories and anecdotes about disasters in the mining industry. 这是一本有关采矿业灾难的真实故事和轶事的精选集。
- Then you recite the story and tell it to others. 然后,我们把这些小故事背下来,讲给别人听。
- I hope you enjoy the story and Reb as much as I do. 我希望你们和我一样喜欢这个故事,喜欢“雷布”。
- That way, I can get all my stories and anecdotes to a real writer (I stink at writing, anyway), without taking any time from family. 这样,我可以把我所有的故事和轶事告诉一个真正的作家(我本来写作就不行),而不占用家人的时间。
- Story and Pictures by Maurice Sendak. 人都有情绪,特别是当负...
- He often enough to push cloth shoes, he led pouch hung from belt stays, Tong-ling hand, the temple in the rap field these stories and anecdotes. 他常足蹬布鞋,身背褡裢,手摇铜铃,在庙会场上说唱这些趣闻及故事。
- The most powerful and persuasive messages are simple and informative, are told with stories and anecdotes, and convey excitement. 最有说服力的信息是简单的而且提供资料的和使人激动的,并附加有一些故事和奇闻。
- He entertain us for hour with his story and joke. 他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几小时。
- He told me a sob story and asked for help. 他编了一堆伤心事来乞求帮助。
- What an intriguing story! 多麽引人入胜的故事啊。
- He hoked up a film with parts of an old story and some love scenes. 他以一部古老故事的片断加上一些爱情镜头胡拼乱凑成一部影片。
- We must take warning from this story and not repeat their errors. 我们要把这件事引为鉴戒,不要重犯他们的错误。
- He changed the story and told it way out of proportion. 他把故事改变而且讲得很夸张。
- The merchant believed his story and began to eat his soup. 商人相信了他的故事,开始喝汤,
- She will see whatever is famous in old story and in modern record. 她将看到在古老历史和现代记载中一切著名的东西。
- Chu sees parallels between the story and his own circumstances. 朱家欣从这个故事里看到了与自己经历的相似之处。