- Note the mauve to pink intranuclear inclusions. 图示细胞核内可见紫红色的包含体。
- Intranuclear inclusions were difficult to visualize. 核内包涵体不易见到。
- Notice the mauve to pink homogenous intranuclear inclusions in the epithelial cells of the epidermis. 注意存在于表皮上皮细胞的淡紫色及粉红色的核内包涵体。
- Biopsies of these lesions reveals intranuclear inclusions in squamous epithelial cells indicative of herpes simplex virus esophagitis. 病变活检显示,鳞状上皮细胞核内包涵体提示为单纯疱疹病毒性食管炎。
- The pink intranuclear inclusions in the erythroid precursors seen here are characteristic for parvovirus infection. 红细胞前体内的粉红色核内包涵体是微小病毒感染的典型特征。
- Myonuclear alternations consisted of large nuclei, intranuclear inclusions, an excess of heterochromatin and myonuclear degradation. 肌核改变包括异染色质增多、核变大,核内包涵体及核崩解。
- Note the very large cells that have large violet intranuclear inclusions with a small clear halo.Basophilic stippling can be seen in the cytoplasm. 在这些大的细胞内可大的兰紫色的细胞核和小的透明的圆晕,并细胞质内可见噬碱性颗粒。
- This is cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in the lung.Note the very large cells that have large violet intranuclear inclusions with a small clear halo. 巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染的病毒性肺炎,可见体积很大的细胞内有紫色核内包涵体,并且包涵体周围都有一清晰小光晕。
- Results T he diagnostic intranuclear inclusions were found in the precursors of red cells in bone marrow, liver, spleen and lungs. 结果在骨髓造血组织、肝和脾的髓外造血灶和肺血管中的红细胞前驱细胞中找到诊断性的核内包涵体。
- The esophageal squamous epithelium here is from a sharply demarcated "punched out" ulcer from Herpes simplex virus infection.Note the mauve to pink intranuclear inclusions. 食管鳞状上皮可见由单纯疱疹病毒感染引起的境界清楚的溃疡,注意呈紫红色到粉红色的核内包涵体。
- IHHNV typically infects the tissues of ectodermal and mesodermal origin, showing eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies. 肉眼检查,感染白点症、传染性皮下及造血组织坏死及套拉症之白虾种虾,皆无肉眼病变。
- The lymphocytes of the medulla of bursa of Fabricius decreased in number 24 HPI,lymph node showed necrosis and reticulocytes proliferation in which we found acidophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies. 法氏囊24h髓质部淋巴细胞开始减少,85h淋巴滤泡开始坏死,网状内皮细胞增生,其内有嗜酸性核内包涵体,法氏囊病变逐渐加重。
- The more eosinophilic intracytoplasmic and intranuclear inclusion bodies were found in ependymal cells of lateral and the third ventricle and astrocytes that were often near the ventricles. 用抗犬瘟热病毒抗体染色,带有包涵体的室管膜细胞呈现强阳性反应。
- Conclusion:There are four kinds of intranuclear inclusion and nuclear bodies in nucleus of cells infected by poxvirus; their formation may be related to active condition of nuclear functions. 结论:在痘病毒感染胞核内观察到四种核内包含体和核小体,这些特殊结构的形成与胞核功能活跃有关。
- Microdissection technique in the determination of viral intranuclear inclusions 显微切割技术鉴定病毒核内包涵体
- Herpes simplex virus intranuclear inclusion body 单纯疱疹病毒核内包涵体
- acidophilic intranuclear inclusion 嗜酸性核内包涵体
- monkey intranuclear inclusion agent(virus) 猴细胞核内包涵体因子(病毒)
- Ultrastructural Research on Intranuclear Inclusions in the Developing Cerebral Cortex of Alligator sinensis 扬子鳄胚胎大脑皮层神经元核内包涵体的超微结构特征
- Result shows that lymphocytes reduce and intranuclear inclusions appear in spleen and lymphadens; 结果表明:脾脏淋巴细胞数量减少,核内假包涵体形成;