- Keywords Glomerular disease;Methylprednisolone;Cushing s syndrome;Intra renal capsule injection; 肾小球疾病;甲基强的松龙;柯兴氏综合征;肾囊内注射;
- loss of renal qi 矢气, 失气
- lumbago with asthenia renal qi 肾气腰痛
- unconsolidation of renal qi 肾气不固
- The minister's action is ruled to be intra vires. 裁定部长的行为在权限范围内。
- vigorous renal qi 肾气盛, 肾气实
- pathway of renal qi 肾街
- People with renal diseases have to eat salt-free foods. 患有肾脏疾病的人只能吃不含盐的食物。
- It is an authentic work of Qi Baishi. 这是齐白石的真迹。
- asthenia of renal qi 肾气虚衰
- There is no past history of renal involvement. 没有肾脏病的既往史。
- asthenia renal qi 肾气虚, 肾气不足
- renal qi 河车; 肾气; 北方正气; 元气; 本元
- I found a Qi Baishi among the exhibits. 我在展品中发现了一幅齐白石的画。
- To observe the effects of intra ve nous iron dextrin in treatment of renal anemia in continuous peritoneal dialysis patients. 观察静脉注射右旋糖酐氢氧化铁治疗连续性不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)的慢性肾衰患者铁缺乏的有效性与安全性。
- By chance, Xu Qi met Liu Wei, her current partner. 偶然的机会,Rebecca认识了刘玮,她现在的合作伙伴。
- The white arrow marks a renal vein thrombus. 白色的箭头指示肾静脉血栓。
- Why does Cui Qi not use the computer? 崔琦为何不用电脑?
- Lateral renal malrotation is relatively uncommon. 摘要侧面肾脏异常旋转是相当少见。
- There are two coding modes,the intra and inter modes. 本算法主要分为两种编码模式 :帧内模式和帧间模式 .