- bipolar right atrial electrogram 双极右房电图
- atrial electrogram recorded from proximal coronary sinus 冠状窦近端的心房电图
- Complex fractionated atrial electrograms(CFAEs) are one of the characteristics of atrial electrograms recorded during atrial fibrillation. 心房颤动(房颤)时心房电图会呈现特征性的复杂碎裂电图。
- The mechanism of AF is intra atrial irregular reentry which is driven by APB; 房颤的机制是房早驱动的心房内不规则折返 ;
- Keywords Biatrial pacing;Atrial tachyarrhythmia;Intra atrial conduction block; 双房起搏;快速房性心律失常;房间传导阻滞;
- Although cathether ablation targeting pulmonary vein,complex fractionated atrial electrograms or ganglionated plexi(GP)can eliminate some AF,the exact mechanism of AF is still unknown. 尽管针对不同靶点(肺静脉,碎裂电位或神经节)的导管消融治疗均能根治部分心房颤动,但其发生机制仍不明朗。
- Keywords Isthmus dependent atrial flutter;Intra atrial reentrant tachycardia;Congenital heart disease surgery;Catheter ablation; 心房扑动;心房内折返性心动过速;心脏外科手术;导管消融;
- complex fractionated atrial electrograms 复杂碎裂电图
- left atrial electrogram 左房电图
- bipolar atrial electrogram 双极心房电图
- hight right atrium electrogram 高位右房电图
- The minister's action is ruled to be intra vires. 裁定部长的行为在权限范围内。
- low right atrial electrogram 低位右房电图
- atrial electrogram 心房电图
- Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common arrhythmia. 摘要心房颤动是一种常见的心律失常。
- Bipolar electrogram of high right atrium,His bundle and coronary sinus were recorded simultaneously with surface ECG lead I、aVF、V1. 在心内超声指导下标测左、右上肺静脉,以确定房性早搏的起源处。
- There are two coding modes,the intra and inter modes. 本算法主要分为两种编码模式 :帧内模式和帧间模式 .
- The reception was held in the atrium. 招待会在中庭举行。
- The module include 2D-DCT/IDCT? Q/IQ and Intra DC/AC Prediction. 该模块包括二维DCT/IDCT、量化/反量化和帧内直流/交流(DC/AC)预测。
- Why is an atrial septal defect a concern? 房间隔缺损有什么危害?