- However,we must be very vigilant because the Japanese imperialists and Chiang Kai-shek will undoubtedly resort to every possible form of intimidation and bribery and of manoeuvring among the various groupings. 没有疑义,威迫利诱、纵横捭阖的手段,日本帝国主义者和蒋介石是一定要多方使用的,我们是要十分留神的。
- However, we must be very vigilant because the Japanese imperialists and Chiang Kai-shek will undoubtedly resort to every possible form of intimidation and bribery and of manoeuvring among the various groupings. 没有疑义,威迫利诱、纵横捭阖的手段,日本帝国主义者和蒋介石是一定要多方使用的,我们是要十分留神的。
- intimidation and bribery; coercion and bribery 威胁利诱
- Fight resolutely against corruption and bribery. 坚决反对贪污受贿.
- Corruption and bribery are mean. 贪污行贿是可鄙的。
- Corruption and bribery are mean . 贪污行贿是可鄙的。
- intimidation and bribery [法] 威胁利诱
- Within a decade, using bribery, dead men's votes, intimidation and any other weapon that came to hand, the Irish factions gained control of Boston. 在十年之内,通过贿赂,死人投票,恐吓和一些手中的其他武器,爱尔兰人派系获得了波士顿的控制权。
- Political intimidation and persecution are rife throughout the country. 政治恐吓和迫害遍布乌干达。
- The whole city was rife with rumors of political corruption and bribery. 全城充斥着政治腐败和贿赂的谣言。
- Wu continues to plead not guilty to other charges of embezzlement and bribery. 吴对贪污和贿赂的指控继续不认罪。
- The African people refuse to be intimidated and taken in. 非洲人民不怕压、不上当。
- Taken to an extreme, this strategy can intimidate and terrorize. 更极端的是,这种策略甚至会让人身险恐惧。
- We all deplore injustice, the trampling of peoples%q% rights and the intimidation and humiliation of human beings. 我们都会为不正义的事情,蹂躏公民权利,胁迫和羞辱人类的行为感到悲痛,
- They also were subjected to violence and intimidation and denied equal protection by the courts. 更糟糕的是,他们时常遭到暴力恐吓,法庭却拒绝给予他们同等的保护。
- Did we bring the world peace and security or raised the spectre of intimidation and threats? 我们令世界变得融洽安稳,还是增加了对世界安全的威胁?
- Arab rulers hold on to power through a cynical combination of coercion, intimidation and co-option. 伊斯兰教也没能阻挡得了民主在亚洲的穆斯林国家生根发芽。
- The KUJ has reported intimidation and harassment of KUJ leaders and members employed by the media group. 肯亚记者工会的领导者与会员宣称,有受到传媒团体的威吓与烦扰。
- Sovereignty in tax policies and government spending also leads to lobbying and bribery on an international scale. 税收政策与政府在支出方面拥有的主权也会导致国际范围的院外活动与行贿受贿。
- We also see Iranian citizens risking intimidation and death as they speak out for liberty and human rights and democracy. 我们还看到伊朗人民不畏恫吓,冒着生命危险为自由、人权和民主大声疾呼。