- He refused to tell it to me except in the intimacy of his room. 除非避开众人耳目在他房间里私下谈,否则他不肯把这件事告诉我。
- intimacy vs 亲密与孤单的矛盾
- Established friendship; intimacy. 亲密稳固的友谊; 亲密
- The intimacy of the room was enhanced by its warm colours. 房间温暖的色泽更增加它的舒适感。
- Most of patients with unexplained syncope had VS. 结论:不明原因晕厥患者中血管迷走神经性晕厥(vs)占大多数;
- All the charm of their intimacy was gone. 他们之间那种亲密的闲情逸致也就此完了。
- Dalian Shi De VS Shanghai Shen Hua. 大连实德对上海申花。
- Between them it was more the intimacy of sisters. 她们亲密得简直象同胞姊妹。
- I could recall no innocent intimacy. 我都回想不起来我们之间有过什么天真的亲密行为。
- Capital Guarantee Vs High Yield? 资本保证对高息票据?
- The intimacy thus commenced grew rapidly. 就是这样开始的亲密关系很快地发展着。
- It is not a joke. VS It is no joke. 这个不是笑话。这可是正经事。
- Mortgage Insurance vs Term Life Insurance. 按揭人寿保险。
- Supernatural Chinese VS Dumpishness English! 神奇的汉语,愚笨的英语!
- And that their intimacy must come to an end. 而且,他们之间的亲密关系必须结束了。
- Macroeconomic Adjustments VS Housing Inflation? 宏观调控缘何不能有效抑制房价上涨?
- Traffic Law VS Accident Prevention? 交法严则事故少?
- Why the lack of intimacy, the absence of eroticism? 为什么缺少亲密的关系,为什么没有性爱
- A Road VS One Person and Recollect. 一段路,一个人加上回忆生生世世。
- Modest intimacy descended upon the kitchen. 厨房里渐渐洋溢着淡淡的亲切感。