- interphalangeal osteoarthritis 指节间骨关节炎
- Early in development of distal interphalangeal nodes seen in osteoarthritis, the nodes may be red and soft;the inflammation usually resolves spontaneously. 咨询某一方面病情时,最好先了解一下该病的一些基本情况,以便针对性的提出问题。
- Generation II USA, Inc. - osteoarthritis bracing. 骨关节炎支撑疗法。
- I think you have osteoarthritis. 我认为您得了骨关节炎。
- Skin Patch for Knee Osteoarthritis Pain? 治疗膝盖关节炎疼痛的皮肤贴片?
- No lateral instability of involved interphalangeal joints was seen. 26个受累指关节均无侧方不稳定,指间关节伸屈基本正常。
- The primary diagnosis was predominantly osteoarthritis (96%). 骨性关节炎为主要诊断(96%25)。
- Osteoarthritis is due to wear and tear with loss of articular cartilage. 骨关节炎源于关节软骨的磨损破坏甚至丧失。
- The risk and prevalence of osteoarthritis increase with age as well. 骨关节炎的危险性和发病率也随年龄增长。
- Is There a Rationale for Oestrogens in the Prevention of Osteoarthritis? 雌激素能预防骨关节炎吗?
- They did not find a link between regular exercise and knee osteoarthritis. 他们没找到有规律运动与膝关节炎之间的关系。
- Methods The ruptured collateral ligament of the interphalangeal joint in 26 cases were repaired by direct suture. 方法对26例指间关节侧副韧带损伤均作韧带直接修补术。
- Conclusion TKR with PS is an effective method for severe osteoarthritis. 结论 采用后稳定型TKR是治疗重症膝关节骨性关节炎的有效方法。
- Reconstruction of the damaged proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint is a difficult task, especially in the young active patient. 摘要在年轻且生活活跃的病人当中,对于已损坏手指的近端指间关节重建是一个困难的挑战。
- Conclusion: The flexion contracture of juxta interphalangeal joint will be treated completely by this method. 结论:用此方法均能达到矫正近指间关节屈曲挛缩的目的。
- Although psoriatic arthritis involves distal interphalangeal joints, usually active joints are red, warm, and tender. 骨关节炎病人疼痛在活动和负重后加重。
- Background: Pediatric trigger thumb is a condition of flexion deformity of the interphalangeal joint in children. 背景:小儿扳机拇是儿童指间关节的屈曲畸形。
- Heberden's nodes of the distal interphalangeal joints of the hand are cla ic findings. 手远侧指间关节的Heberden's结节是典型的表现。
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Used in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. 非甾体抗炎药,用于类风湿性和风湿性关节炎。