- Interpersonal metaphor is an important concept to explain interpersonal metafunction in Hallidayan functional grammar. 摘要人际隐喻是功能语法用来解释人际纯理功能的重要概念。
- Besides, the metafunction of language involves ideational metafunction, interpersonal metafunction, and textual metafunction. 语言的纯理功能包括三个部分:概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。
- The projection is classified from the experiential metafunction, the interpersonal metafunction and the forms of structure. 然后从“投射”的概念功能、人际功能和结构形式等不同角度对“投射”进行了分类。
- This paper is an attempt to study the tragic fate of Emily from the perspective of interpersonal metafunction in systemic functional linguistics. 本文拟从人际功能入手,对爱米丽与其他人之间的人际关系进行分析,试图从一个新的角度探讨爱米丽的悲剧命运。
- Functional Grammar is classified language function into three parts: ideational metafunction, interpersonal metafunction, and textual metafunction. 最后作者用以上的相关理论对一个英语广告实例进行了具体分析。
- Appraisal system, a key issue in the interpersonal metafunction, plays a positive and constructive role in the coherence in discourse. 摘要评价是人际意义的一个核心问题,对语篇的人际意义研究都必须要考虑评价。
- Themes consist of simple theme, multiple theme, and clause theme, and have three metafuntions: textual metafunction, interpersonal metafunction, and experiential metafunction. 功能语法学派普遍认为,主位可分为简单主位、多重主位和句式主位,同时主位具有语篇纯理功能、人际纯理功能和经验纯理功能三大纯理功能。
- This thesis falls into five chapters:Chapter One gives a brief introduction to the origin of tenor and its relationship with interpersonal metafunction. 第一章简要介绍了“话语基调”这一术语的由来以及其与人际功能的关系。
- He argues that grammatical metaphors exist largely in the transitivity system that realizes ideational metafunction and in the mood system and modality system that realize interpersonal metafunction. 语法隐喻主要存在于体现概念元功能的及物性系统中以及体现人际元功能的语气系统和情态系统中。
- From the perspective of interpersonal metafunction of language, translation is to construct in target language the interpersonal meaning between the original author and the target reader. 摘要从语言的人际元功能来看,翻译就是在目的语中建构基于作者和目的语读者的人际意义。
- interpersonal metafunction oriented advertisement text 人际元功能为主要倾向的广告体裁
- interpersonal metafunction 人际功能
- The complexities of interpersonal relations bothered her. 人际关系的复杂情况使她困惑不已。
- Strong communication and good interpersonal skill. 很强的沟通及与人交往能力。
- Good interpersonal and man management skill. 良好的个人沟通能力与人员管理能力。
- Good organizational and interpersonal skills. 很好的组织能力和人际关系能力。
- How Do Interpersonal Competencies Help? 人际能力的作用有哪些?
- How to enhance your interpersonal skill? 怎样提高人际技术?
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skill. 优秀的沟通能力和人际关系处理能力。
- What is the Interpersonal Distance On Earth? 人与人之间的住居距离感到底有多远?