- You are turning into an internet addict, eh? 你快变成网虫了,对吗?
- There is counseling to help Internet addicts?even online. 有咨询机构帮助网络沉迷者。
- The paradox is that most help for internet addicts is only available online. 自相矛盾的是,对于那些上网成瘾的人的大多数帮助仅仅是在线提供的。
- Internet Addicts had no significant difference from unaddicts in the total score of WAIS-RC. 结果大学生网络成瘾者在网络使用目的上与和非成瘾者的差异有统计学意义。
- Internet addicts tired of their square-eyed, keyboard ta ing ways need look no further than the Web for cou elling. 网迷们疲劳地盯着显示屏,敲击着键盘,只想通过万维网寻求咨询。
- According to a 2006 study by CNCC, 13% of internet users under the age of 18 are internet addicts. 据2006年中国计算机大会的一项研究显示,18岁以下网民中有13%25的人过度沉迷于网络。
- Internet addicts may also get the "cyber shakes" when off line, exhibiting agitation and typing motions of the fingers when not at the computer. 在不上网时,网络成瘾者还可能会“网络颤抖”,在没有电脑时,手指会出现激动和打字动作。
- So adults have Internet addiction? 那么成年人有没有网瘾呢?
- How to Help Young People with Internet Addiction? 如何帮助青少年解决网瘾问题?
- Do You Suffer from Internet Addiction Disorder? 你有没有因特网上瘾失调?
- A Chinese man dropped dead after playing Internet games for three consecutive days, state media said on Monday, as China seeks to wean Internet addicts offline. 星期一,中方媒体称一男子因连续三天玩网络游戏最终导致猝死,并以此来告戒那些网络沉迷者。
- Chinese man dropped dead after playing Internet games for three consecutive days, state media said on Monday, as China seeks to wean Internet addicts offline. 星期一,中方媒体称一男子因连续三天玩网络游戏最终导致猝死,并以此来告戒那些网络沉迷者。
- They are part of a new addiction called Internet addiction. 他们是新兴网络爱好者中的一部分。
- Internet addiction among adolescents simple attribution analysis. 并对青少年网络成瘾进行简单的归因分析。
- Internet Addiction Disorder(IAD)has drawn social attention widely. 网络成瘾的发生引起了社会的广泛关注。
- Then you're an Internet addict. 那么你是一个网络狂。
- News that says Serbia is now treating people with Internet addictions. 报道说塞尔维亚正在治疗上网成瘾的人们。
- It was Professor Kiesler who called Internet addiction a fad illness. “ 基斯勒教授认为:所谓网络成瘾症,只不过是一种稍纵即逝的潮流病。
- The use of internet is prevalent among adolescents, which raises issues such as internet addiction and delinquency. 青少年的网路使用率极高,也衍生出网路成瘾和偏差行为等相关议题。
- IAD (internet addiction disorder) has become a new problem in the present situation. 摘要网络成瘾已成为新形势下学生工作所面临的新问题。