- The Effectiveness of International Tax Information as Evidence 国际税收情报的证据效力
- A Study into Bank Secret and International Tax Information Exchange Law 银行秘密与国际税收情报交换法律问题研究
- On International Tax Information Exchange: The Recent Development and the Related Measures for China 国际税收情报交换:最新动态和中国对策
- international tax information 国际税务情报
- My speciality is international tax law. 我的专业是国际税法。
- Study on international tax competition II. 国际税收竞争研究2。
- Immoderate international tax competition is vicious and harmful. 过度的国际税收竞争是有害的、恶性的。
- For more information, see the CCRA Interpretation Bulletin IT-221, Determination of an Individual's Residence Status, or contact the International Tax Services Office. 结论是如果你已在加拿大建立了居住及社会、财务等方面的联系; 您就被算作加拿大的税务居民;就一定要交税.
- Where legal databases match addresses with unlisted telephone numbers, and illegal ones do a brisk trade in bank, stock, and tax information. 通过合法的数据库可以找到地址和未入册的电话号码,而通过不合法的数据库则可以找到银行的即时交易,股票和税收信息。
- With his TIN and password, a taxpayer can also enquire about his personal tax information through the enquiry services under the ESD scheme. 市民亦可利用电话税务通同一税务编号和通行密码,使用公共服务电子化计划下的个人税务查询服务。
- Only two countries, Guatemala and Nauru, have no legal system for the exchange of tax information, although they are working on it. 仅有两个国家,危地马拉和瑙鲁没有合法的税收情报交换体系(尽管事实上该体系运作良好)。
- It may be helpful to consult a tax specialist or attorney familiar with international tax matters. 向税务专家或者向国际税务律师咨询会得到有益的帮助。
- It is very useful for enhancing international tax collection and administration and cutting down tax evading behaviors. 它对于加强国际税收征管,减少税收逃避行为具有非常重要的作用。
- It is a historic task for the workers to guide and promote our reform of tax collection and practice and to realize tax information with the method of organizational theor... 在税收管理信息化的过程中,学习型组织理论以其对税收文化的适应性,将对加速税收信息化的进程发挥巨大的作用。
- International tax payers can extablish a company in low-rate or free tax regions to evade tax. 跨国纳税人利用低税区或免税区避税,可以更容易地在避税地建立基地公司;
- This essay looks into the cause and per-formance of international tax evasion and gives advice on relevant legislation. 本文就国际避税的动因、主要方式及反避税立法等问题进行了分析研究。
- Abstract: In the world of modern tax system, international tax on tax credits and tax sparing is a very worthy of study. 摘要:在世界现代税收制度中,在国际税收方面,关于税收抵免和税收饶让是一个很值得研究的问题。
- There were clearly other causes of the current crisis but the faults of the international tax system were a big contributory factor. 当前这场危机显然有其它原因,但国际税收体制的缺陷是一个重大因素。
- Where any tax information is packed and sealed, the envelop thereof shall bear the seal of classification of confidentiality, the serial number as well as the names of the addressor and addressee. 包装密封税收情报,应在封套上加盖密级章、标明编号和收发单位名称等内容。
- The Pan-American Satellite Corp. (PASC) Case is a typical case, which China encountered in the field of international tax. 泛美卫星税案是我国遭遇的国际税法领域的一个典型案例。