- Innovation of International Tax Dispute Resolution 国际税收争议解决程序的革新
- SDR On the SDR in the International Tax Dispute Resolution 论国际税收争议解决程序中的
- A Settling Mechanism of International Tax Dispute after the Entry of WTO 加入WTO后的国际税收争端解决机制
- international tax dispute 国际税收争议
- My speciality is international tax law. 我的专业是国际税法。
- Study on international tax competition II. 国际税收竞争研究2。
- Immoderate international tax competition is vicious and harmful. 过度的国际税收竞争是有害的、恶性的。
- It may be helpful to consult a tax specialist or attorney familiar with international tax matters. 向税务专家或者向国际税务律师咨询会得到有益的帮助。
- It is very useful for enhancing international tax collection and administration and cutting down tax evading behaviors. 它对于加强国际税收征管,减少税收逃避行为具有非常重要的作用。
- International tax payers can extablish a company in low-rate or free tax regions to evade tax. 跨国纳税人利用低税区或免税区避税,可以更容易地在避税地建立基地公司;
- This essay looks into the cause and per-formance of international tax evasion and gives advice on relevant legislation. 本文就国际避税的动因、主要方式及反避税立法等问题进行了分析研究。
- Abstract: In the world of modern tax system, international tax on tax credits and tax sparing is a very worthy of study. 摘要:在世界现代税收制度中,在国际税收方面,关于税收抵免和税收饶让是一个很值得研究的问题。
- There were clearly other causes of the current crisis but the faults of the international tax system were a big contributory factor. 当前这场危机显然有其它原因,但国际税收体制的缺陷是一个重大因素。
- The Pan-American Satellite Corp. (PASC) Case is a typical case, which China encountered in the field of international tax. 泛美卫星税案是我国遭遇的国际税法领域的一个典型案例。
- Situations where the competent authorities consider it is in the interest of the tax administrations concerned in order to promote international tax compliance. 税务主管当局为了推动国际的纳税遵从,出于对各税务主管当局的利益的考虑的情形。
- Transnational taxpayers to seek maximum benefits, using the tax system differences, using formal and legitimate ways to evade tax collectors, is international tax avoidance. 跨国纳税人为了追求利益最大化,利用各国税收制度的差异,采用形式上合法的方式来逃避税收征管,即为国际避税。
- International Tax Avoidance(ITA) not only does harm to the taxation of the nations involved but also causes chaos to the order of international capital circulation. 国际避税不仅损害有关国家的税收利益,而且会引起国际资金流通秩序的混乱,危害很大。
- The Master in European and International Tax Law is designed to meet the market's demand for cutting-edge knowledge on multi-jurisdictional tax issues. It prov... 在欧洲和国际税收法律硕士是专为满足市场对最前沿的知识多,管辖税收问题的需求。它提供了一个学习的机会,欧洲和国际税务问题。
- For more information, see the CCRA Interpretation Bulletin IT-221, Determination of an Individual's Residence Status, or contact the International Tax Services Office. 结论是如果你已在加拿大建立了居住及社会、财务等方面的联系; 您就被算作加拿大的税务居民;就一定要交税.
- An analysis on the tax dispute on semi-conductor between China and US 中美半导体税收争端的法律分析